Will I need breast implant removal or revision surgery?

Will I need breast implant removal or revision surgery?

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Removal of a breast implant is surgery to remove a breast implant in Iran. During the operation, the surgeon may remove scar tissue or silicone from the implant leak.

You may want your surgeon to remove old implants and replace them with new ones, or you may not want an implant anymore. Sometimes, people need breast implant removal because of the complications of the implant.

Why is a breast implant in Iran removed?

Breast implants do not last a lifetime. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons recommends that people with breast implants remove or replace them every 10 to 15 years. However, if you do not have any side effects, your plastic surgeon may not recommend removing them.

Some people choose to have a breast implant in Iran removed because the shape of their breasts has changed after breast augmentation. The appearance of the breasts may change for the following reasons:




4.Weight changes

5.Calcium accumulation

6.Infection and / or bleeding

Why is a breast implant in Iran removed?

Who needs breast implant removal surgery?

Some of the more common reasons women choose to have a breast implant in Iran removal are:

1.Implant Complications: Complications of a breast implant include implant tearing, deflation or folding (if the breast implant is filled with saline).

you can read this article too When do we need to change breast implants?

2.Personal choice: Some women may feel that their breast implants in Iran are the wrong shape or size. Over time, they may be in the wrong position due to weight loss, weight gain, or pregnancy.

3.Other complications: Capsule contraction, asymmetry of tension bands, displacement, infection and silicon leakage.

What happens during breast implant removal in Iran?

Breast implant removal surgery is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes between one to three hours. Depending on your recovery, you may be able to go home on the day of surgery.

Three common methods of breast implant in Iran removal surgery are:

What happens during breast implant removal in Iran?

1.Just remove the breast implant

Incisions are made at the same place as the breast implant surgery was performed. If you suffer from capsule contraction, remove the hardened capsules to speed up the healing process.

2.Removal of breast implants with breast lift

If your breast skin is stretched or sagging, your plastic surgeon may perform a breast lift in Iran at the same time as removing the breast implant. They remove any excess breast skin and tighten your breast tissue for better support. In some cases, your plastic surgeon may also resize your areola to better fit your breasts new shape.


If your breast prostheses are saline, your plastic surgeon may deflate them without surgery and can be done in your office under local anesthesia. Depending on the results, you may need more surgery, such as a breast lift or breast implant in Iran replacement surgery.

How is the recovery after breast implant removal surgery?

While recovery after breast implant surgery varies from person to person, most plastic surgeons agree that recovery after surgery is usually easier than initial breast implant surgery. However, if you have had a breast lift after having a breast implant removed, your breasts will feel stiff and heavy for a few weeks.

Most women can return to work within five days and experience the least discomfort after surgery. If you have had the breast implants removed due to capsule contracture, it will cause more discomfort and the recovery time will be longer.

How is the recovery after breast implant removal surgery?

Breast implant removal scars usually heal well and are often indistinct. It is important to note that they improve in stages and this process takes three to four months. As the wounds fade, they never completely disappear.

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You should avoid lifting more than five kilograms or exercising excessively for the first six weeks after surgery. While you can usually resume normal activity after six weeks, your breasts take several months to return to their new position.

It is very important to follow the instructions given to you by the plastic surgeon, including:

1.Avoid certain activities

2.Wear compression garments and

3.Take painkillers as directed.

What results can be anticipated from breast implant removal surgery?

After the breast implant is removed, your breasts appear deflated at first. It takes two to three weeks for the breasts to gain their volume. If you have had a breast lift after having your breast implant removed, your breasts will not have a “caved in” appearance. It is important to note that while your scars heal and fade over time, they never completely disappear.

After breast implant removal surgery, your breasts will not be the same as they were before the main breast implant surgery. This is because the weight of the breast implant stretches the tissue and cause changes the ribs.

nticipated from breast implant removal surgery

What are the special risks and side effects of breast implant removal surgery?

When a trained and experienced plastic surgeon performs breast implant removal surgery, the complications and risks will be minimal. It is important to note that risks and side effects can include the following:

1.The sensation in the breast becomes less sensitive, which may last up to six months.

2.Creating thick, red, painful scars that may last for several years.

3.Chest numbness.

4.Breast deformity or sagging in the breast area.

What are the benefits of removing a breast implant in Iran?

There are several advantages to breast implant removal. Surgery may affect the following:


Silicone or saline implants may interfere with seeing the breast tissue clearly on the X-ray. Without implants, your mammogram outcomes may be more tangible.


If you have a capsule contracture, removal of the implant can relieve the pain almost quickly. Removal of large implants may reduce neck or back pain.

3.Replacement and rupture risks:

If the scar tissue hardens enough, it can lead to rupture of the implant. Removing the implant eliminates the risk of rupture of the implant.

What results can be anticipated from breast implant removal surgery?

What is breast implant disease?

Breast implant illness (BII) is a term used by some women and physicians to refer to a wide range of symptoms that may occur after breast reconstruction or cosmetic augmentation with breast implants. It is also sometimes referred to as autoimmune / inflammatory syndrome caused by adjuvants (ASIA). Breast implant illness can occur with any sort of breast implant such as silicone gel-filled, saline-filled, smooth surface, textured surface, round, or teardrop-shaped.

BII affects each person in a unique way. Symptoms may include the following:

  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Memory and concentration problems
  • Respiratory problems
  • sleep disorder
  • Rash and skin problems
  • Dry mouth and dry eyes
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Headache
  • hair loss
  • Digestive problems

Symptoms may be seen at any time after implant surgery – some people show symptoms instantly, while some appear years later.

Many of the symptoms of BII are associated with autoimmune and connective tissue disorders such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and scleroderma. Some people with BII are also diagnosed with a specific autoimmune disorder or connective tissue, but many do not.

In many cases, but not all, surgery to remove breast implants improves or completely eliminates the symptoms of BII.

What is breast implant revision sgeurry?

The goal of breast implant revision surgery is to replace old breast implants with new ones. The goal is often to change or improve the appearance of the breasts while updating the implant material, which can include the following:

  1. Simultaneous breast lift or reduction
  2. Reshaping of the breast implant pocket to change the position of the implant on the chest
  3. Increase or decrease the size, shape or style of the breast implant
  4. What is breast implant revision sgeurry?

The desire to perform breast implant revision surgery can be due to the following reasons:

  1. Tendency to resize breasts
  2. Pain due to capsule contracture
  3. Concerns about rupture or implant migration
  4. Switch from saline to silicone or different styles of implants

Over time, breast implants can change shape or size, and the overlying breast tissue can change, creating a look or feel that is less desirable than the initial result. Also, many breast implants have a lifetime warranty on the actual implant device, but after ten years the costs of surgery to replace the implants are no longer covered. For this reason, many women decide to have their breast implants replaced or updated within 10 years or so.

Breast implant revision surgery is not a standard or routine procedure and should be suitable specifically to the patient’s goals and desires. Therefore, this surgery should be performed by a licensed-board plastic surgeon who is well trained and experienced in a variety of breast surgeries and listens to the patient’s goals and wishes and creates a surgical plan specifically to address all issues at the time of surgery.

Will I need breast implant revision?

Breast implant revision surgery is intended for patients who have had a breast augmentation in the past and are now dissatisfied with their implant or worried about the condition of their implant. This operation can address these concerns by replacing existing implants with new ones.

Who is a suitable candidate for breast implant revision surgery?

In general, you may be a good candidate for breast implant revision if:

  • You are unhappy with the size, shape or appearance of your breast implant
  • You are worried about the integrity or condition of your implants
  • You are physically healthy and have a stable weight
  • You have realistic expectations
  • You are a non-smoker

If you are to have a breast implant revision surgery, spend some time reviewing photos of breast implant revision surgery and learning what to expect during recovery. Early preparation helps patients have reasonable expectations and have a smoother recovery.

What is breast implant revision sgeurry?

Breast implant revision recovery

Depending on the nature of your operation, recovery after breast revision surgery may be shorter and less painful than what you experienced after the initial surgery. Expect to feel swelling and pain at first.

Your incisions will be bandaged and you may be put you in a support dress. If necessary, a tube is temporarily placed under the skin to drain excess fluid. Before surgery you will be informed of all postoperative instructions. Contact your doctor if you have any problems or concerns.

Ask a trusted friend or family member to take you home and stay with you for the first 24 to 48 hours. Most patients can get back to their daily activities after a week or two.

Intense activity should be avoided for three weeks. During this time, any bruising, swelling, numbness, or tingling will decrease, and if new implants are placed, they will be in their final position.

Your scars will continue to fade and soften for up to a year after surgery. Remember not to rush the healing process. Patience is the key to achieving the best possible result.

Is breast implant removal performed with another method?

After removal of the breast implant, the breasts may sag. After surgery, breast tissue slowly returns to its normal state, but breast tissue may change under the influence of aging, weight change, and hormonal factors such as pregnancy. All of these factors can cause sagging breasts. As a result, after the operation, the breasts may sag and the beauty of the breasts may be destroyed.

Lifting or breast lift

To prevent this, your surgeon may recommend that you lift your breasts after the implant is removed, a procedure called mastopexy. The purpose of this operation is to lift the breasts and beautify and rejuvenate them.

This is done by removing excess skin around the breast and then reshaping the breast tissue. The nipple may be up and in place. As a result, breasts become firmer, taller and more beautiful.

The best results are seen in smaller, curved breasts, but this method can be used for any breast of any size, and if your breast tissue is stretched, your doctor will recommend it.

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