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What is the type of rhinoplasty- Which type is right for me? 

What is the type of rhinoplasty- Which type is right for me? 

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A brief summary of the article:

Rhinoplasty, also called nose job, is a type of plastic surgery that changes the shape and size of your nose. People usually do it to look better or fix functional problems like breathing difficulties or injuries. There are several types of rhinoplasty that you can consider. The most common types include open rhinoplasty, closed rhinoplasty, […]

Rhinoplasty, also called nose job, is a type of plastic surgery that changes the shape and size of your nose. People usually do it to look better or fix functional problems like breathing difficulties or injuries.

There are several types of rhinoplasty that you can consider. The most common types include open rhinoplasty, closed rhinoplasty, and tip rhinoplasty. Each of these procedures has unique benefits and considerations, so it’s essential to carefully evaluate your options and consult with a qualified professional before deciding. Whether you’re looking to correct a deviated septum, improve your breathing, or enhance the appearance of your nose, there is likely a rhinoplasty option that can help you achieve your goals. 

Let’s talk about the type of rhinoplasty in detail. 

Different types of rhinoplasty

There are different types of rhinoplasty, depending on the goals and needs of the patient. Some of the common types are:

  • Open rhinoplasty:  

The surgeon may perform an open rhinoplasty to make significant changes to the nose. The procedure involves cutting across the tissue, separating the nostrils, lifting the skin of the nose, and getting to the underlying structures. Although it gives the surgeon more visibility and accuracy, it leaves a small scar and takes longer to recover. Usually, open rhinoplasty creates better results for patients who need extensive changes, like straightening a crooked nose, getting rid of a prominent hump, or refining a bulbous tip.

  • Closed rhinoplasty: 

This method involves making cuts inside the nose but not on the outside. So there won’t be any visible scars, and it also takes less time to heal. But the downside is that it can only make small changes to the nose. So, closed rhinoplasty is a good option if you just need a minor adjustment, like slimming the bridge, lifting the tip, or removing a small bump.

  • Tip plasty: 

All you have to do is fix the tip of your nose without touching the rest. You can go for open or closed rhinoplasty, depending on your desired change. It can help you refine the nose tip’s shape, size, angle, and projection. Tip plasty is for those who are okay with the overall look of their nose but just want to make the tip look better.

  • Septorhinoplasty: 

This surgery is a two-in-one deal. It combines rhinoplasty (nose job) with septoplasty, which fixes a deviated septum – the wall of cartilage and bone that splits your nasal cavity. If you’ve got a deviated septum, you might be having trouble breathing, snoring, or even suffering from sleep apnea. Septorhinoplasty can help you breathe easier and improve the look of your nose, too. So, consider this surgery if you’re worried about your nose’s appearance and have trouble breathing.

  • Revision rhinoplasty: 

Revision rhinoplasty is a secondary surgery that aims to fix the problems caused by a previous nose job that didn’t work out well or resulted in complications. It’s a bit more challenging than the first procedure because it requires dealing with scar tissue, altered anatomy, and limited cartilage. It’s perfect for people who had a rhinoplasty before but didn’t get the desired result or faced new problems after the surgery.

  • Liquid rhinoplasty: 

This procedure doesn’t require surgery and uses fillers to modify the nose temporarily. It can fix bumps, fill in holes, lift the tip, or balance out asymmetry. But remember that it can’t reduce the nose size or fix any structural issues. Some risks are involved, such as infection, bleeding, or vascular complications. This method is best for those who want to make small changes to their nose without going under the knife or for those who want to try out how their nose would look before going for a surgical rhinoplasty.

Comparison of Rhinoplasty Cost: 

Nose jobs cost differently depending on their type, where the surgery is done, how skilled the surgeon is, and how much work is required.

Cost of nose job in the US

In the US, the average cost of rhinoplasty in 2020 was around $5,409, but it doesn’t include anesthesia, operating room fees, or other related expenses. However, it’s just an average, and the actual cost could vary a lot based on where you live, the surgeon’s experience, how complicated your case is, and any additional charges.

Cost of nose job in Iran 

Did you know that getting a nose job in Iran is much cheaper than in the US and other countries, but the surgeons there are just as good or even better? Iran is famous for being the nose job capital of the world because they do more rhinoplasties per person than any other country!

So, if you’re planning to get a nose job in Iran, it can cost you anywhere between $1,200 to $3,500. This depends on your city, the surgeon you choose, and how complicated your case is. Everything from the surgery expenses to the hospital fees, medication, post-operative care, and even accommodation is included in this cost. But please note this is just an average price, and the final cost may vary depending on the type of rhinoplasty, the surgeon’s experience and popularity, the clinic’s facilities and equipment, and the exchange rate.

If you’re considering a nose job and want to save cash, rhinoplasty in Iran could be a good option. They offer quality surgery for a fraction of the price. But don’t rush into anything – it’s essential to do your homework and make sure you’re going to a reputable surgeon before you commit to getting the procedure done in Iran or any other country.

Which type of rhinoplasty is right for you?

Depending on what you want, your goals, and your health, a plastic surgeon who knows what they’re doing can determine what’s best for your nose. But, based on our experience as a medical tourism agency and working with so many patients, we created a chart with some general info about the good and bad of each type of rhinoplasty. So, here’s a little summary for you.:

Type of rhinoplastyProsCons
Open rhinoplastyAllows more visibility and precision for the surgeon; Can correct complex or severe nasal deformities; Can achieve more dramatic resultsLeaves a small scar on the columella; Requires more recovery time; May cause more swelling and bruising
Closed rhinoplastyAvoids visible scarring; Reduces swelling and healing time; Preserves the natural shape and support of the noseLimits the number of changes that can be made to the nose; May compromise the symmetry and balance of the nose; May not address the underlying structures of the nose
Tip plastyFocuses on reshaping the tip of the nose; Can improve the balance and harmony of the nasal tip; Can be done with either open or closed rhinoplastyDoes not alter the rest of the nose; May not suit patients who need more extensive changes to the nose; May not improve the nasal function
SeptorhinoplastyCombines rhinoplasty with septoplasty; Can improve both the function and the appearance of the nose; Can correct a deviated septum that affects the nasal airflowMay involve more risks and complications; May require more post-operative care; May alter the sensation and smell of the nose
Revision rhinoplastyCorrects the results of a previous rhinoplasty that was unsatisfactory or caused complications; Can restore the natural shape and function of the nose; Can enhance the aesthetic outcome of the noseIs more complex and challenging than primary rhinoplasty; Involves dealing with scar tissue, altered anatomy, and limited cartilage; May have a lower success rate and higher cost
Liquid rhinoplastyIt is a non-surgical procedure that uses injectable fillers, Can temporarily modify the shape of the nose, and Can make subtle changes to the nose without undergoing surgeryCannot reduce the size of the nose or correct structural problems; Has some risks, such as infection, bleeding, or vascular complications; Is not permanent and requires repeated injections

This info will give you an idea about the various types of rhinoplasty. But before you decide to have a nose job, it’s best to talk to a professional plastic surgeon.

Cost comparison at a glance

Take advantage of the juicy details! Peek at the cost table to get all the information you need.

Type of rhinoplastyCost in IranCost in the USCost in Europe
Open rhinoplasty$1,500-$3,500$6,000-$10,000$5,000-$9,000
Closed rhinoplasty$1,200-$3,000$5,000-$8,000$4,000-$7,000
Tip plasty$1,000-$2,500$4,000-$6,000$3,000-$5,000
Revision rhinoplasty$2,000-$4,000$7,000-$12,000$6,000-$11,000
Liquid rhinoplasty$500-$1,000$1,000-$2,000$800-$1,500

Getting a nose job in Iran can save you a lot of money. The cost of nose surgery there is much lower than in the US and Europe, but the quality of the surgeons is just as good, if not better. Remember that the price may vary depending on where you go, who the surgeon is, and how complicated your case is.

Final Thought

Rhinoplasty is a popular and effective plastic surgery procedure that can change the shape and size of the nose for cosmetic or functional reasons. However, it is also a complex and expensive surgery that requires careful consideration and consultation with a professional plastic surgeon.

When considering rhinoplasty, it’s essential to understand that different types of procedures are available, each with its own benefits and limitations. The two main types of rhinoplasty are open and closed. In open rhinoplasty, a small incision is made on the columella (the tissue between the nostrils) to allow the surgeon greater visibility and access to the nasal structures.

On the other hand, closed rhinoplasty involves incisions made inside the nostrils, making it a less invasive option.

The decision between open and closed rhinoplasty should be based on your needs and preferences. If you require significant changes to your nasal structure, open rhinoplasty may be necessary to achieve the desired results. However, closed rhinoplasty may be a better option if you’re looking for more subtle changes or have concerns about scarring. 

It’s essential to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who has experience with both open and closed rhinoplasty to determine which procedure is best for you. Your surgeon will evaluate your nasal structure, discuss your goals and expectations, and recommend a treatment plan tailored to your needs. With careful consideration and the guidance of a qualified professional, you can achieve a nose that looks and functions better and enhances your overall facial harmony. 

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Picture of Doctor Mehdi Ahmadi
Doctor Mehdi Ahmadi
Body and Facial plastic surgeon Providing all beauty services of body, skin, facial cosmetic surgery, etc., specialized with more than 10 years of experience and 1,000 successful cosmetic surgeries.

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