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What are the best predictors of IVF success ?

Iran Health Agency > blog > What are the best predictors of IVF success ?
What are the best predictors of IVF success
What are the best predictors of IVF success ? Infertility causes, the number of oocytes collected, the morphology or quality of the transferred embryos, the female's race, body mass index (BMI), antral follicle count (AFC), previous pregnancy, and the day of embryo transfer (ET) are some of the things that are looked at. To find the IVF success rate , divide the number of successful pregnancies by the total number of IVF rounds. A number is often used to show it. But there are some things that affect how often IVF works, and patients should know about these things before they start the IVF process. This piece talks about how age and other important factors affect the success rates of IVF. It gives people who are thinking about or going through this fertility treatment a full picture of the process.

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IVF success

How can I maximize my IVF success?

When it comes to in vitro fertilization (IVF), doctors say that pregnant women and men-to-be should get physically ready three months ahead of time. This helps make sure that good sperm is made, which can fertilize the egg. It is very important to get ready before and after in vitro fertilization (IVF) for a healthy baby. By making changes to how you live your life, you can greatly increase your chances of having a healthy pregnancy. Here are some things you can do to improve your chances of success with in vitro fertilization (IVF):

·         Healthy eating

A good diet gives your body the nutrients and energy it needs to make eggs and sperm. The chances of IVF working better go up if the eggs and sperm are healthy.

Several studies have shown that following a Mediterranean diet for six months before starting IVF can help the treatment work better and raise the chance of success by fifty to sixty percent. These foods should be thought about when following the Mediterranean diet:

  • Fresh fruits and veggies of different colors should be a part of your diet.
  • Foods like chicken and fish are good for you.
  • Eat whole grains like quinoa and whole grains.
  • You should eat more vegetables, like beans, peas, and lentils.
  • Eat the right amount of good fats, like nuts, avocados, and olive oil.
  • You should only eat red meat once a week or three to four times a month.
  • Stay away from sugar and prepared and ready-to-eat foods. Instead, make your own meals.

Finally it suggest that use CDC IVF Success Estimator for more information.

·         Keep a Healthy Weight

Being overweight is the main problem with IVF. To get to a healthy weight, you need to lose weight and tone down. It is hard to keep an eye on the eggs during IVF in women who are overweight. People who are too thin or too fat should not get IVF treatment.

Read more: IVF success rate in Iran

·         Keep your blood sugar level normal

High blood sugar can make IVF treatment less effective. Follow a healthy food control plan and make sure your blood sugar stays normal. Having high blood sugar can also be a problem during pregnancy.

·         Work together with a great doctor and embryology lab

The doctor and embryology lab are crucial to IVF success. An experienced IVF doctor knows how to treat each patient. Your doctor would assess your health, vitals, and pregnancy concerns to determine the best treatment. A modern embryology lab with improved monitoring systems would improve fertilization.

Read more: Infertility symptoms

·         Cut down on your stress

It’s less likely to succeed when there is a lot of stress. You might not be able to get pregnant with IVF if you are stressed out or worried about your family or job. Keep them away from you not only during the IVF cycle but also while you are pregnant. To reach my goal of having a healthy baby and becoming a mother. Do not worry, we will do our best to help you. It is best to talk to your doctor to get the best results.

·         Stay away from smoking and drinking drinks.

·         Get enough sleep.

·         Taking extra vitamin D and folic acid

·         Improvements to sperm

·         Stay away from poisons and heavy metals.

·         cutting-edge hospital with skilled IVF clinicians

read more: Can I choose my baby’s gender with IVF

What is the most effective IVF protocol?

Long Agonist

This is the oldest method of IVF, and it works very well at stopping early ovulation during the cycle. That is important because if ovulation happens before the eggs are collected, the cycle will be over.

In most protocols, gonadotropin is the most important drug, but it’s not the only one. Gonadotropin is often used with two other types of drugs: drugs that stop eggs from “maturing” and being ovulated before they can be retrieved, and drugs that help the eggs mature so they can be recovered. As you can see from the summary below, these two tasks can be done by more than one drug. The protocol strategy is based on the drug that is picked. There are times when both types of cues may be used together.

Read more: Avicenna Infertility Center in Iran, Tehran

conventional stimulation uses 3 types of drugs


There are two main protocol methods that doctors will use: the “Long Agonist” or “Antagonist” protocols. Usually, this comes down to a choice between “Coke vs. Pepsi.” In both cases, doctors are free to give any amount of gonadotropin they want. The “Flare” protocol is a third choice that is used less often and only with certain kinds of patients (often ones who don’t respond well).

Lupron activates the Antagonist therapy, not hCG, and dramatically reduces hyperstimulation. Lupron is already deployed, therefore Long Agonist cannot utilize it as a trigger. There is no cost to talk to Iran Health Agency.

Read more: Infertility Treatments in Iran

which protocol is superior for pcos patients

Thus, the Antagonist technique is recommended for women at high risk of OHSS, such as those with PCOS, younger women, high AMH or AFCs, African American women, and those who created numerous eggs recently.You can use Iran Health Agency for a free consultation. Talk to your doctor about which Protocol is best for you.

read more : Can I take a bath during IVF stimulation

What is the most crucial stage of IVF?

Embryo Transfer—the embryo transfer step is the most important part of all IVF treatments. A perfect transfer is necessary for the embryos to stay healthy and for the implant to work in the uterus. Time problems or biology factors can go wrong and hurt the process.

The embryo transfer step of IVF is probably the most important one. At first glance, it looks like a pretty easy process. The embryos are put into a catheter, and the doctor puts them into the uterus cavity through the cervical canal. A lot of the time, the partner is right next to the patient while she is wide awake and fully awake during the test.

There are a lot of little things that can go wrong with something plain. The embryos must be carefully placed in the uterine cavity in a way that allows them to attach properly; otherwise, the cycle will not work.

Read more: In Vitro Maturation in Iran

Which cycle of IVF is most successful?

For many individuals or couples, subsequent IVF cycles prove to be more successful as fertility specialists can glean valuable insights from previous attempts, allowing them to tailor treatments more effectively.


Finally, getting IVF to work is both an art and a science. It’s a delicate balance between medical knowledge and human commitment. Even though we use numbers to measure success, let’s not forget the path of hope, resilience, and change that couples go on. The dream of becoming a parent is getting closer and closer when you know and care for someone, when you have facts and are determined. Your doctor can tell you what your specific chances are of getting pregnant with IVF.


What is the best month for IVF success?

But did you know that IVF works best in the summer? It turns out that the warmer months of spring and summer are better for more than just animals. They are also better for women with a higher chance of ovulating and getting pregnant.

What age is IVF most successful?

  • For women under 35, 32%.
  • 25% of women between the ages of 35 and 37.
  • 19% of women in their 38s and 39s.
  • 11% of women between the ages of 40 and 42.
  • 5% for women in the 43–44 age range.
  • For women over 44, it is 4%.

What is The Success Rate of IVF on the First Try?

Younger women, especially those under 35, have better success rates, with some clinics having 40–45% pregnancy rates every cycle. However, women over 40 have far lower rates of first-cycle IVF success.

Please note that all figures are averages and individual situations might greatly affect results. For many, multiple cycles may boost the odds of success to that of a typical fertile couple’s chance of conception over a few months. The first cycle may have a 20% to 40% chance of success.

Do you want to do IVF with low cost and high quality ? Come to Iran and leave this work to Iranian specialist doctors. Click on the link below for more information

IVF in iran


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