Fleshy Nose

Fleshy nose

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What is a fleshy nose?

A fleshy nose is exactly what it sounds like; a nose with a bit more meat on its bones. With thicker skin and more subcutaneous muscle, it looks more oversized and padded. Some people love their shape of noses, while others might feel self-conscious about them.

Below, You can see the example  picture of the fleshy nose

Fleshy nose Gerard Depardieu Fleshy nose Lady Gaga Fleshy nose Barbra Streisand Fleshy nose Owen Wilson Fleshy nose Maya Rudolph

Can you fix a fleshy nose?

Want to Change Your Fleshy Nose? No worries; there are ways to do it. The go-to move is usually rhinoplasty (that’s just a fancy way of saying “nose job.”)

If you want to know how rhinoplasty can fix your nose, keep reading: 

Read more: Rhinoplasty for wide nose

Rhinoplasty for the Fleshy nose: 

Here’s the thing about fleshy nose jobs—they can be tricky. Traditionally, removing cartilage from the nose during rhinoplasty often left the nose with dents, scars, and an odd look. 

Doctors must get creative because all that extra tissue doesn’t always cooperate when reshaping things. It’s like sculpting with extra-thick clay instead of the regular stuff.

So you must search for the best nose job doctor you know. A skilled plastic surgeon can improve the nose while maintaining a natural, balanced look. 

The result of a this type of nose job? It depends on you, your personality taste, along with the hand art of your doctors, for sure! Generally, your nose, after fleshy rhinoplasty, looks more petite and natural. 

Read more: What is the type of rhinoplasty ?

Recovery from fleshy rhinoplasty: 

Swelling and bruising are common after surgery but subside over several weeks. The final nose shape emerges over 6-12 months as the nose heals. Most patients are delighted with their natural-looking results that enhance facial harmony.

In summary, fleshy nose rhinoplasty is a specialized procedure that reshapes the nose while preserving a natural appearance. With an experienced surgeon, patients can achieve their aesthetic goals with minimal downtime and excellent long-term results.

Read more: Rhinoplasty Recovery Timeline: What to Expect

Celebrity  with Fleshy Noses

Believe it or not, there are some pretty famous faces sporting fleshy noses. Let’s check them out:

Guys with the Look, Owen Wilson’s got that signature nose, right? And what about Gerard Depardieu or Danny DeVito? These dudes own their looks and make it work.

Ladies Rocking It Barbara Streisand is like the unofficial queen of fleshy noses. Maya Rudolph and Lady Gaga are in the club too. They’re all proof that you can be drop-dead gorgeous with any kind of nose.

Read more: Iran Nose Job Before and After

Male Celebrities

  • Owen Wilson: Known for his distinctive nose, Owen Wilson’s fleshy nose adds to his unique charm and character.
  • Gerard Depardieu: The French actor embraces his nose, which complements his solid features and adds to his on-screen presence.
  • Danny DeVito: With a nose that fits his larger-than-life personality, DeVito exemplifies how a fleshy nose can enhance one’s individuality.

Female Celebrities

  • Barbra Streisand: Often regarded as the unofficial queen of fleshy noses, Streisand’s nose has become iconic, representing beauty and talent in Hollywood.
  • Maya Rudolph: The comedian and actress celebrates her nose, contributing to her distinctive and memorable look.
  • Lady Gaga: Known for her bold fashion choices and unique style, Lady Gaga’s nose is part of her striking appearance, proving that unconventional features can be stunning.

Read more: Persian Nose

Fleshy nose surgery in Iran

Fleshy nose surgery in Iran?

Nose Jobs in Iran? Okay, this might sound out of left field, but Iran is a big deal in the nose job world. They have some serious skills, which are often cheaper than other places.

Cheaper does not mean low quality (Iran has the most professional doctors worldwide, no doubt); instead, it means you get the best medical care at a cost-effective price because you desire a healthcare service without sacrificing your pocket. 

But hold up – if you’re thinking about it, research. Make sure you’re not just going for the bargain basement deal on your face, you know?

Ultimately, whether you keep your nose as-is or decide to change things up, it’s all about what makes you feel like a million bucks. Fleshy, skinny, bumpy, or straight – every nose has its charm. Rock what you’ve got or change it if you want; just make sure you do it yourself.

Read more: you can do rhinoplasty in Iran easy and quickly

Fleshy nose surgery with IranHealthAgency: 

But if you decide to come to Iran and have a fleshy nose job, IranHealthAgency can help you do it without any problems that might accrue for you in a stranger country. 

We do all of these for you: 

  • Pick you up from the airport
  • Helping you research for the best doctors.
  • Connecting you with clinics and desired plastic surgeon 
  • Send with you a translator fl
  • Make sure you have a smooth surgery process 
  • Your medicine and recovery care 
  • Aftercare follow-up to 1 year 

Contact us for a free consultation.

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