Faces that are well-balanced and proportioned are important for how they look and how beautiful they make you feel. In terms of your face features, your nose is the most noticeable and important one. Because of this, it is common for people to want to change the shape or height of their nose to make their face look better balanced. So, this is one reason why rhinoplasty is one of the most popular types of plastic surgery.
There are a lot of reasons why some people might not think their faces are attractive. Some people have a wide nose because of their genes. This trait is more common in certain groups of people. If the bridge of your nose is too short, it can also make your nose look bigger than it is. It’s possible that an accident changed the shape of their nose or that a previous rhinoplasty made the nose look bigger.
Reducing the size of the nose through surgery has made it easier to fix noses that are too wide, no matter what the cause of the problem is.
Read more: What is the type of rhinoplasty ?
wide nose surgery
Wide nose surgery, also known as wide nasal bridge rhinoplasty or wide nose reduction rhinoplasty, is a surgical procedure that aims to decrease the width of the nose in order to provide a more balanced and harmonious facial appearance. This type of rhinoplasty focuses on increasing the width of the nose, particularly the bridge or dorsum.
A wide nose is characterized by a broad nose, especially a wide bridge or lips. Many people are self-conscious because their nose stands out or doesn’t fit their face. Many people wish to shrink their nose.
There are many ways to restrict your nose, depending on your goals and concerns.
A wide nose is characterized by a broad nose, especially a wide bridge or lips. Many people are self-conscious because their nose stands out or doesn’t fit their face. Many people wish to shrink their nose.
There are a number of treatments and procedures that can help narrow your nose, but it depends on what you want to change and what your worries are.
Read more: When is the best time for nose job surgery?
Techniques Used in wide nose rhinoplasty:
- Osteotomies are performed on the nasal bones to reduce the width of the nasal bridge.
- Cartilage grafting is a surgical procedure used to enhance the form of the nasal tip or provide more support to a shorter nasal bridge by either adding or reshaping cartilage.
- Alar Base Reduction: Alarplasty surgery can be employed to decrease the size of the nostrils if they appear larger than the actual width of the nose.
- When performing broad nose rhinoplasty, the surgeon must meticulously consider the patient’s racial background and facial characteristics to ensure that the outcomes appear authentic and harmonious.
- Patient Objectives: It is crucial for patients to establish attainable expectations and communicate their objectives and concerns to their surgeon during the consultation phase.
- Surgical Proficiency: Performing a broad nose rhinoplasty is a complex procedure that should exclusively be carried out by a plastic surgeon or facial plastic surgeon who is accredited by a recognized board and have expertise in ethnic rhinoplasty procedures.
Read more: Consultation and planning for a successful rhinoplasty surgery
Closed rhinoplasty for wide nose
During a closed rhinoplasty, the nose’s shape is changed through surgery Because the cuts are made inside the nose, there is less swelling and scars than with a regular nose job.
Sometimes you wish to modify your nose without scars. A closed rhinoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that involves making incisions inside the nose in order to minimize scarring.
Closed rhinoplasty is used to shorten the nose, modify its tip, or remove a bump or dorsal hump. The ideal nose would be symmetrical and change mostly at the bump or tip.
You may be looking for a way to change the way your nose looks without leaving any scars if you are unhappy with the way it looks.
The cuts for a closed rhinoplasty are made inside the nostrils and nose, so there aren’t many scars that can be seen from the outside.
A closed rhinoplasty is different from an open rhinoplasty in that it is usually used to change the shape of the tip of the nose, make the nose shorter, or get rid of a bump or dorsal hump. The perfect candidate would have a nose that is symmetrical and most of the changes would be made to the bump or the tip.
All of the cuts in a closed rhinoplasty, which is also sometimes called an endonasal rhinoplasty, will be made inside the nose.
The nose isn’t fully open, so you can’t see the inside of the nose. The work is done through small holes in each nose, and the surgeon can’t see very well. This is why it’s important to find a skilled therapist and look at pictures of their work before and after.
The closed rhinoplasty process is pretty quick, doesn’t leave any scars, and doesn’t cause a lot of swelling or a long recovery time. Most likely, general sedation will be used.
Read more: What should I do if my nose injury after rhinoplasty?
Procedure for a closed rhinoplasty
You’ll sleep the treatment day. Some surgeons employ general anesthetic during rhinoplasty because blood in the throat can be harmful if the patient is asleep.
Your surgeon will cut your nose when you’re numb. Before changing your physical shape, they will separate your skin and cartilage. They will then remove or add bone or cartilage. We need bone grafts to add bone.
After the shaping, sutures or stitches will repair any incisions and you will receive a cast or nasal splint. Most closed rhinoplasty procedures take one to two hours.
How to fix wide nose without surgery?
A “liquid rhinoplasty” is another name for a rhinoplasty that doesn’t involve surgery. Fillers, most often hyaluronic acid, are injected into the nose as part of the process. An open rhinoplasty is the best way to change the shape of the nose.
Your nose can look better without surgery with fillers. This is also known as a “liquid nose job.” Fillers are solutions that are injected. They are very popular because they are cheap, work well, are quick, and don’t hurt much. It is possible to use these filler treatments on many parts of the face. They are frequently employed to enhance lip volume, diminish the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines, and contour the jawline and chin.
Another effective method to create the appearance of having undergone nasal surgery is by use fillers. However, that is not universally true.
Non-Surgical Rhinoplasty Offer:
It is important to note that a liquid rhinoplasty is not just suitable for individuals who need a nose job but prefer to avoid surgical procedures. That’s not a good way to explain the process, and it can lead to sadness and anger.
Non-surgical rhinoplasty is only intended for those seeking to alter aspects of their nose. It may appear that this is solely applicable to individuals desiring a larger nose. However, it is important to consider that augmenting the nose can be a remarkably versatile and efficient method to alter its appearance and achieve a different form.
Read more: Open or closed Rhinoplasty, which one is for you?
Rhinoplasty without surgery can make your nose look better:
- Low Bridge: Low Bridge: Want to fix a low bridge? You may benefit from a non-surgical nose job. Filters build nose bridges and elevate low bridges. Individuals of African American and Asian descent, who typically have flatter nose bridges, frequently seek non-surgical rhinoplasty procedures to elevate their noses and broaden their nasal bridges.
- Revisions: Patients dissatisfied with their previous rhinoplasty procedure sometimes turn to non-surgical rhinoplasty specialists. These professionals are capable of doing revision rhinoplasty procedures. Occasionally, non-surgical methods can be employed to fix and modify. Place your trust in a proficient surgeon.
- Irregularities: Non-invasive rhinoplasty can rectify deformities and enhance nasal symmetry. Surgeons have the ability to accurately augment certain areas in order to achieve a balanced nasal structure.
- Dip in the Nose Bridge: Do you have a nose bridge divot? In most cases, non-surgical rhinoplasty can cure it. When repairing dips, fillers add structure to the nose rather than remove it.
- Nose Bump: Nose bumps cannot be removed with fillers. In some circumstances, you can fill the bump to create a straight nose. While it won’t reduce the size of your nose, it can enhance its appearance. Individuals with nasal humps or bumps experience the most effectiveness.
- Surgical rhinoplasty is usually best for large bumps.
Wide nose rhinoplasty cost

When considering a broad nose rhinoplasty, it is crucial to take into account the factors that influence the cost, since a lower price does not necessarily indicate higher quality. The average price range for a rhinoplasty procedure in Iran is $1,200 to $3,700. This depends on the surgeon’s reputation and level of skill, the difficulty of the process, and other factors. It’s important to know that Iran’s specialized centers have very modern equipment and provide good care.
Experience of the Surgeon | Experienced and reputable surgeons may command higher fees for their services. |
Where You Live | Health care service pricing, such as those for cosmetic surgery, exhibit significant variation across different cities and regions. |
treatment Complexity | The cost of rhinoplasty is contingent upon the complexity of the procedure and the extent of nasal reshaping required. |
Fees for the surgical facility | The overall expense may encompass the charges for the surgical facility where the procedure is performed. |
Charges for anesthesia | Additional charges may apply for the administration of anesthetic during the procedure. |
Tests before surgery | Prior to undergoing surgery, certain surgeons may require additional diagnostic tests or examinations, hence contributing to the overall expenses incurred. |
Post-Op Care | Postoperative visits and care may be invoiced separately or bundled into the overall expense. |
Read more: Rhinoplasty in Iran
Ethnic Rhinoplasty in Iran
In ethnic rhinoplasty, the nose surgeon has a harder job because he has to figure out how to make the surgery work best with the person’s face.
Rhinoplasty for African noses in Iran
Ethnic rhinoplasty is a personal adventure. We understand how difficult it can be to choose between improving your natural attractiveness and increasing your confidence. You don’t have to figure things out on your own.
The most important thing to IranHealthAgency is getting to know our customers. From the first appointment to the follow-up, our caring specialists will listen, teach, and assist you. Forget the cold sales pitches. Instead, consider having a pleasant conversation over tea to hear about your family background, artistic objectives, and what success means to you.
We specialize in ethnic rhinoplasty operations such as expanding, narrowing, smoothing bumps, enhancing tips, and more. Our careful, personalized method helps your natural features look more balanced and in proportion. We treat each patient with the utmost care, respect, and kindness.
Read more: Rhinoplasty for African noses in Iran
IranHealthAgency offers the following ethnic rhinoplasty packages:
Below you can see IranHealthAgency Ethnic Rhinoplasty Packages:
Can rhinoplasty help wide nose?
Of course. After rhinoplasty, a nose that is “too wide” in relation to the rest of the face can be fixed if the surgery is done by the right operator.
How much is a rhinoplasty for a wide nose?
It costs around $1,200 to $3,700 to get a rhinoplasty in Iran. This relies on the surgeon’s reputation and skill level, as well as how hard the procedure is and other things.
What is the best nose job for a wide nose?
That could mean using more than one method, depending on what you want to achieve. An osteotomy, tip plasty, or alar reduction is one of the most popular ways to widen the nose during rhinoplasty.
How can I make my nose less wide?
With makeup, you can make your nose look smaller, but surgery is the only way to make it smaller for good. Be careful with do-it-yourself injections and home treatments that sound too good to be true. The shape of your nose has a big impact on the shape of your face.
- https://centreforsurgery.com/how-to-make-wide-nose-smaller/
- https://www.healthline.com/health/narrowing-a-wide-nose
- Muslu Ü, Demir E. Development of rhinoplasty: yesterday and today. Med Sci. 2019;23(97):294-301.
- https://drguyfacialplastics.com/rhinoplasty-for-the-wide-nose-what-to-know-to-get-the-best-results/