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Cheek lift surgery in Iran

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Cheek lift surgery in Iran

Plastic surgery in Iran in the middle of the face – check – is one of the first symptoms of aging. This can start in women as early as their thirties and grows slowly as they approach middle age. Because of its prominent position in the face and its interaction with many surrounding structures, the […]

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Plastic surgery in Iran in the middle of the face – check – is one of the first symptoms of aging. This can start in women as early as their thirties and grows slowly as they approach middle age. Because of its prominent position in the face and its interaction with many surrounding structures, the midface’s gradual descent causes a lot of aesthetic problems.

A slow hollowing of the lower eyelid, the growth of folds from the nose to the corner of the mouth, and a droop at the corner of the mouth are the most prominent complaints. These modifications will offer the impression of exhaustion and insufficient rest, in addition to increasing a person’s apparent age.

For study: Thigh lift surgery in Iran

The cheek lifts in Iran, also known as a mid-facelift, is a relatively new procedure. It is completely innovative and helps the surgeon to perform changes that were almost impossible with any other method. A cheek lift in Iran is a procedure that repositions sagging cheek fat over the cheekbone to preserve the youth and fullness of the cheeks. It may be performed alone or in conjunction with a conventional facelift. Learn more about this surgery.

Cheek lift surgery Iran

What is Cheek lift surgery in Iran?

The fat pad that in the cheek, known as the malar fat pad, is a vital anatomical feature that is responsible for the symptoms of midfacial ageing. In our childhood, this fat pad lies behind the eyes along the “cheekbone” part of the face. They offer the eyes and cheeks fullness, as well as a youthful contour to the face. Gravity starts to drag this fat pad down as time passes.

It creates a fold between the nose and the corner of the mouth as it descends. The nasolabial fold is the name for this fold. While the descending fat makes this fold more conspicuous, it leaves a gap under the eye where it was originally located. This area gets hollowed out and sometimes seems to have a hole in it.

Because of the shadowing of light in the area, this region becomes hollowed and sometimes appears to have dark circles.

It’s difficult to decide on a traditional facelift as it’s a costly, invasive procedure on the most prominent part of the body. Additionally, the midsection of the face, which is usually unaffected by a facelift, is lifted and positioned higher in the face by incorporating this extra stage into the facelift. This, according to others, provides a more natural look.

Cheek lift surgery in Iran before and after

What to do before the cheek lift surgery in Iran?

You should quit smoking at least two weeks before the cheek lift in Iran as it prevents the free flow of oxygen in the body. It may prolong the recovery period and may cause some complications.

Also, some medications and supplements such as aspirin, blood thinners, and vitamin E should be stopped or substituted since they increase the risk of bleeding during or after surgery.

Patients should also be mentally and psychologically prepared for the surgery and have realistic expectations. You will usually have to take two weeks off work to rest and pass recovery time. It is recommended to prepare the necessary conditions and equipment for the postoperative period before the operation. Some of them are:

  • Soft and low-salt foods.
  • Over the counter and prescribed medications.
  • Pillows to keep your head up.
  • Buttoned and comfortable clothes.

Cheek lift surgery Iran before and after

How is a cheek lift surgery performed?

A cheek lift in Iran can usually be performed on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia. Depending on the case, the procedure is completed within 1 – 2 hours.

Incisions to separate the skin from the underlying structures are not from the temples to the neck, as is customary in a classic facelift, but is usually within the hairline and inside of the ear for women or in front of the ear for men.

After detaching the skin from the underlying tissues, the surgeon then carefully lifts it vertically towards the ears. The excess skin is removed from the cut edge in front of the ear and sutured there without tension. The tension-free suture minimizes the risk of wide and conspicuous scarring.

At the end of the procedure, a head bandage is put on, which can be removed after one day. Wound drainage is not required for this type of surgery and the patient can usually leave the clinic on the same day.

Cheek lift before and after

What happens after cheek lift surgery in Iran?

The patient may feel a little nauseous after cheek lift surgery in Iran, but these feelings subside when the anesthetic wears off the body. The face is usually bandaged after surgery. Your doctor will give you instructions on how to clean and care for your wounds. Most people experience some swelling and pain in the first few days after surgery (especially on the first day), but medications and painkillers can greatly control these symptoms.

In the first weeks and months after facelift surgery, you should attend all follow-up sessions. During this period, the patient should fully monitor his progress and immediately call the doctor if she/he sees any side effects. It usually takes several months to see the final results of a cheek lift surgery in Iran; However, as soon as the patient recovers and the swelling subsides, he or she can enjoy looking younger and nicer.

Cheek lift surgery before and after

Is cheek lift surgery in Iran right for me?

Many cheek lift patients are in their 30s and 40s, and they don’t want a complete facelift; they just want to look younger. This technique is perfect for treating aging in the midface, but it is only effective in this region. It does not mention jowling, sagging around the neckline, or heaviness of the brow and upper eyelids. Separate procedures must be used to treat them. Sometimes to obtain an impressive final outcome, other procedures may be combined with the cheek lift surgery in Iran.

When performed alone, the midface lift is ideal for anyone who has developed some prominence of their nasolabial fold and hollowing of their eyes but is not yet ready for the time, rehabilitation, and post-op cares that a facelift requires. It’s a much less invasive and costly treatment than a conventional facelift, with a much shorter recovery period.

Cheek lift in Iran before and after

Why should I do cheek lift surgery in Iran?

The mid-facelift is performed by a variety of surgeons, but it is a technically challenging procedure. Some physicians are critical of the operation because it requires a thorough understanding of anatomy and the ability to cope with unexpected events. Some argue it’s too risky, but that’s not so if you know what you’re doing. Iranian plastic surgeons have been able to achieve the highest level of success and satisfaction in this surgery due to their high experience, up-to-date knowledge and the use of the most modern surgical equipment.

Another important point is that the cheek lift surgery cost in Iran is much lower than in the United States and Europe. While the price of a cheek lift is about $ 6,000 in the US and European countries and more than $ 3,000 in countries such as Turkey and India, in Iran, you can perform this surgery for about $ 2,000, which covers all costs including the surgury, hospitalization, anesthesia, etc.

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