Are you suffering from hair loss or baldness? Hair transplant in Iran is the best and most long-lasting solution to deal with these kind of hair issues. Hair transplant surgery will improve and enhance an individual’s self-confidence and result in the better overall look of your hair.

If you have made a decision about hair transplantation in Iran, you must take some measures or precautions before a hair transplant surgeryin addition to the advised post hair transplant careRead this article to better understand the measures and cares before hair transplant. This blog will provide you with more detailed and customized guidelines before your surgery.

Factors to Consider Before a Hair Transplant surgery in Iran

Hair transplant surgery in Iran or any other locations if be done properly, will provide you the possibility of having natural hairline and density.

but to perform a successful hair transplant, some important measures must be considered before the operation. One of these cases, which is very important, is to choose a well-equipped clinic and, of course, a specialist doctor. This part will discuss the pre-cares that are very important.

Meet a general doctor or specialist if you have uncured sickness

To avoid any complication, be always honest with your hair transplant specialist. If you have any health problem, untreated diseases, or if you have any allergies let your doctor knows at the consultation session before the hair transplant procedure.

It is also recommended to have your medical record with you on the day of the consultation and tell your doctor about your history of certain diseases, diabetes, epilepsy, fainting, seizures, and more. A family history of inherited hair loss should also be examined.

Meet a general doctor

Avoid Blood-Thinning Medications 2 weeks before hair transplant

If you are on any medication regularly like any blood thinners such as Plavix, Coumadin, and Heparin, please stop immediately, because these medications may cause complications after the surgery.

You should also stop taking aspirin or any other anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs such as Advil, Alka-Seltzer, Bufferin, Excedrin, Empirin, Nu-Prin, Motrin, Ibuprofen, etc) for a week before your hair transplant in Iran.

These drugs can be reused three days after the operation. prescription medications (including heart and blood pressure medications) should be taken as directed by your doctor.

Maybe there is no need to stop them. To make sure it is safe to take any medication, tell and ask your doctor before the hair transplant procedure.

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 Avoid Alcohol, Smoking, and Caffeine

stop alcohol and drinks including caffeine at least 4 days before your hair transplant operation in Iran. Having these kinds of drinks affects the efficiency of anesthetics or it may increase the risk of bleeding during the procedure.

Bleeding makes transplantation difficult for the doctor and increases the risk of other side effects. They also increase the risk of infection. For this reasons, don’t take a risk and post pond drinking the mention items to 5 days after your hair transplant.

Avoid Alcohol, Smoking, and Caffeine

Your surgeon also advises you to avoid smoking the day before the procedure because nicotine will narrow blood vessels and of course decrease blood flow to the scalp so the wounds caused by the treatment session heal slowly.

On the other hand, in order for the follicles to be well strengthened and to be in their new place, they need nutrients that are transported by blood oxygen. If the body has a problem with this process, the delivery of the required amount of nutrients to the hair follicles is disrupted and the chances of success in hair transplantation are reduced.

I have grey hair? is it easy to identify the follicles?

If you are having white or grey hair which is so common in older ages, it is recommended to dye it to dark color two, three days before your hair surgery in Iran.

Since it will be hard for specialist to identify white hair on the day of hair transplantation. The reason we are asking  you to do this three day before the hair transplantation is that if there is a stain on your scalp, it will go away by the due date.

Hair transplant

Hair transplant procedure day in Iran

In the morning before going to hair transplant clinic take a shower in the hotel. And don’t apply any gel, cream or any styling product on hair let them stay clean.

Have a complete breakfast we also give you a meal during the procedure in the clinic.

Wear comfortable a shirt

It is recommended to wear a buttoned shirt or a wide-collar t-shirt so that you don’t need to pull the shirt over your head to avoid hurting the grafts after surgery. This is a good habit for the weeks following the procedure as well.

In general, wear comfortable and loose-fitting clothing during the operation, because it takes nearly six hours, but depends entirely on the number of grafts you are receiving.

Sometimes it will be done during 2 days if the level of baldness is high.

ware comfortable

Items affecting the result of hair transplantation

without any doubts thickness of hair plays a significant role on the success of hair surgery in Iran or anywhere. Individuals who are having genetically thick hair are more satisfied with the final result of hair transplantation because thick hair, unlike thin hair, is transplanted with higher density and coverage, and after hair growth, it gives better and more complete coverage.

One of the other another considerable point that impact the result of the hair surgery operation is the extent of baldness. The higher the level of the baldness, the more follicles will be needed to be transplanted in area. Skin type also have effects on the final result of hair transplantation. Thinner skins are easier to transplant for specialist, and scars will be healed sooner during follicle removal and transplantation in comparison to thicker skin.

Donor area is also one of the most important factors for having great result of hair surgery.

Having full and thick hair in donor area will increase the level of density and coverage and at the end more successful hair transplantation result.

affecting the result of hair transplantation

As a result, people with looser skin have less effect on hair follicles. Naturally, people who are physically healthy, non-smoker and are not regularly on medication will expect better results from the hair transplant process.

Having diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure may reduce the success of hair transplants. For this reason, this group of people must first control their disease under the supervision of specialist doctors. Having one of these diseases does not mean that hair transplantation is forbidden for you, but that pre-hair transplantation care will be different for you. You can have a hair transplant by consulting your doctor and following some tips.

Should be mentioned the days before hair transplant in Iran you will have full checkup and lab test checking most of the items related to hair transplant .

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