Doctor Jahangir Sheykhi

Dr. Jahangir Sheikhi

Dr. Jahangir Sheikhi

Introducing the doctor

  • Difficult and complex nerve endings
  • Dental implant
  • Restoration of damaged teeth with composite materials
  • Dental crowns
  • Wisdom tooth surgery is hidden and placed on the nerve
  • Other specialized restorative and beauty services
  • Educational and professional records
  • Aesthetic and implant dentistry fellowship from America.
  • Laser Fellowship
  • Professional Doctor of Dentistry
  • Specialist in restorative and cosmetic dentistry
  • Member of Iran Medical System Organization

Medical System number: 118960

Dr. Jahangir Sheikhi has 2 doctorate degrees, has 2 cosmetic dentistry fellowships from Canada and America, has a laser fellowship from Italy, has a cosmetic orthodontic certificate from America, has an implant fellowship from America


  • Beautiful dentistry
  • Advanced orthodontics
  • Implant without surgery
  • Slipping
  • Laminate
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