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The Complete Guide to IVF in Iran: From Starting Your Journey to Building Your Family [Patient guides] 

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The Complete Guide to IVF in Iran

IVF is short for "In Vitro Fertilization," and it is an assisted reproductive fertility procedure to help people who are trying to conceive but fail. Here's how it generally works:

First, the lady takes medicine for the number of eggs she releases from her ovaries, which is more than one. However, not all of them will become mature enough for fertilization. Finally, fertilization happens, and the eggs come off her ovaries during minor surgery. The man does likewise by supplying a sample of the sperm.

In the lab, the eggs and sperm are put together and allowed to contact one another. The fertilization process can only take place in this way. After that, fertilized eggs are renamed as embryos that continue evolving for a few days. The (fittest) embryos are then transferred into the woman's womb on the ground, so the seed might implant and productivity into a pregnancy.

The simple answer is that there are several reasons, which are different for everyone. People choose IVF for a variety of reasons. First of all, it can be of help to couples struggling to conceive when other fertility techniques have failed or in cases where there are anatomical problems such as blocked tubes, male infertility factors, or a lack of proper reasons for natural conception failure.

In addition, IVF would help the couple to use an egg donor/sperm donor if necessary and also pay a woman (gestational surrogate) to carry the child in her own body to give birth. Thanks to technology - there are more avenues to start a family.

The IVF choice depends on many factors. Among them is that who should try IVF depends on consulting your physician when you have tried to get pregnant for some time. Other factors, such as the age of a woman, make a difference, too – so when you are 30 plus years old or more, your chances of IVF being successful start to decline because fertility is lower at that age. Someone's medical history (for example, endometriosis or PCOS) could result in the recommendation of the procedure as well.

The inner is that IVF lastly supports overcoming various fertility issues, but it is a low cost physically, emotionally, and financially. An IVF specialist is the perfect person to answer all your questions and get to know the details of your condition to determine if IVF is a choice for you.

Table of Contents

The IVF Process: Step-by-Step

Step 1: Consultation and initial testing:

You’ll start by meeting with a fertility doctor and their team. They’ll want to get the full picture of your medical history and fertility journey so far. You can expect lots of questions about your menstrual cycles, any previous pregnancies or fertility treatments, and general health.

The doctors will also order basic fertility tests for you and your partner if applicable. For women, this usually includes bloodwork to check hormone levels and an ultrasound to evaluate the ovaries and uterus. For men, it’s a semen analysis to assess sperm health and count.

Read more: Break Down the Cost of IVF: A Stage-by-Stage Guide

Step2: Ovulation induction and egg retrieval:

If you decide to move forward with IVF, the next phase involves using medication to boost your egg production. You’ll give yourself daily hormone injections or use other fertility drugs. The goal is stimulating your ovaries to mature multiple eggs rather than just one.

Your doctor will closely monitor your cycle with blood tests and ultrasounds. Once the eggs reach the right size, you’ll get one final trigger shot to prepare for egg retrieval. This minor surgery is performed vaginally with ultrasound guidance while you’re sedated. The mature eggs are gently suctioned out.

Step3:Sperm retrieval and fertilization:

Around the same time the eggs are retrieved, your partner (or a sperm donor) will provide a fresh sperm sample. In some cases of male infertility, the sperm may need to be collected surgically.

In the lab, the eggs and sperm are combined in a specialized culture dish to allow fertilization. Depending on your situation, conventional insemination or ICSI (injecting sperm directly into eggs) may be used.

Step4: Embryo development and selection:

The fertilized eggs can grow and develop into embryos in the lab for 5-6 days. Embryologists carefully monitor their progress, looking for typically developing cells.

Genetic testing may be recommended to analyze and select the healthiest ones for transfer if there are multiple viable embryos. The goal is identifying embryos most likely to result in a successful pregnancy.

Step 5: Embryo transfer and implantation:

When one or more embryos are ready, you’ll come back for the transfer procedure. Using a thin catheter, the embryos are gently placed into your uterus. Most transfers are done when the embryos are at the blastocyst stage on day 5 or 6.

For the next couple of weeks, you’ll need to take it easy and avoid strenuous activities while anxiously waiting to see if the embryo implants and pregnancy occurs.

Step 6: Pregnancy testing and follow-up care:

Around 9-12 days after the transfer, you’ll get a blood test to detect if you’re pregnant. A positive result means the embryo is attached to the uterine lining as intended.

If so, you’ll be considered a patient of your fertility clinic for at least the first trimester. They’ll closely monitor you with early ultrasounds and bloodwork until you go to an OB/GYN for regular prenatal care.

Read more: How can IVF help you become pregnant?

Going through IVF is an emotional rollercoaster with lots of ups and downs. Be prepared for potential disappointments and setbacks. But for many, having a baby makes all the effort worthwhile.

Addressing Your Concerns

If you and your partner need to do IVF, you may have lots of concerns, like all the couples who come to the center to be happy with a beautiful baby.  As a Medical Tourism Agency with a lot of couples who need IVF, decide to write about your concerns and address them.

  • Emotional challenges: Going through IVF can feel like an emotional rollercoaster. You’ll likely experience anxiety and stress along the way as you deal with procedures, medications, and the uncertainty of outcomes. Feeling overwhelmed or disappointed after a failed cycle is completely normal.

It’s crucial to manage your expectations and understand that IVF only sometimes works on the first try. Seeking counseling or joining a support group can help you cope with the emotional ups and downs. Lean on your support system of loved ones, too.

  • Financial considerations:
    IVF is expensive; there is no way around it. A single cycle typically costs $12,000 to $17,000 when you factor in medication, procedures, and lab costs. And you may need multiple cycles to succeed.

Check if your health insurance covers any portion of IVF. Many employers offer at least partial coverage these days. If you still need to, consider financing options like medical loans, grants, or dipping into savings. Creating a budget and payment plan upfront is wise.

  • Side effects of medication: The hormones used to stimulate your ovaries can cause side effects like bloating, mood swings, headaches, and hot flashes. Injectable fertility drugs may also lead to ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) in some cases, causing abdominal pain and nausea.

Be sure to discuss all potential side effects with your doctor or IVF center( if you do IVF in another country, ask your provider to clear taking with you and your doctors). They’ll likely recommend over-the-counter pain relievers and other remedies to help you manage discomfort during treatment.

  • Success rates and what to expect: IVF success rates vary significantly based on factors like your age, the cause of infertility, and whether you’re using your eggs. For women under 35 using their fresh eggs, the live birth rate from a single IVF cycle is around 40-50%. The chances decrease as you get into your late 30s and 40s.

Read more: IVF Success Rate Factors

It’s essential to have realistic expectations. Even with modern technology, IVF is not a guarantee. Your doctor can provide individualized advice on your likelihood of success based on your specific situation.

  • The possibility of multiple cycles:
    For many couples, IVF doesn’t work on the first attempt. If your initial cycle fails, your doctor will likely recommend trying again after allowing your body a month or two to recover.

The prospect of needing multiple cycles can be disheartening emotionally and financially. However, continuing to try increases your chances of having a baby. Your doctor can advise whether tests or adjustments are needed before moving forward with another round.

This is a challenging and sensitive moment when one has to choose whether to continue IVF. Ensure you incorporate physical and emotional self-care into your transition plan and measures to prevent financial distress. You must have thought through every aspect of the situation and had honest conversations with your partner and doctor. Just bear in mind that there are many other options besides adoption or egg/sperm donations, which include foster care, assisted reproductive techniques, and different family-building paths, that might levitate your spirits. We’re always ready to help you with whatever you need.

Read more: Women’s Check−Up Calendar 24/25

For IVF, you need to make an informed decision:

Choosing an IVF Clinic:

Choosing the best fertility center for your surrogacy journey may change the course of your life, but it’s not an easy feat and requires a lot of research and time. While experienced doctors, state-of-the-art laboratories, and top-notch success measures are all important, they don’t show the whole picture.

Keep an eye out for the staff’s demeanor when you visit the facility. Are you comfortable asking them questions since they listen carefully? Is their energy unsettling, though? Crucial is having a care team with an open communication line and listening attentively. Feel free to ask them questions about their processes, pricing, suggested extras, and included packages. Discovering what counseling and support services they provide is also a good idea.

Understanding Different IVF Options:

IVF might include sperm or egg donation, surrogacy, fertility drugs, or surgery. Substitute if you provide both eggs and sperm; otherwise, donor eggs, donor sperm, or each will be required.

There’s also something called PGT testing, which can help detect any genetic disorders or chromosomal problems that might affect your pregnancy. This testing eliminates unhealthy embryos, giving you a better chance of having a healthy pregnancy. Your doctor will explain the methods best suited for your needs based on your age, egg reserve, sperm quality, and other factors affecting your fertility.

Building Your Crew (Support System):

Don’t kid yourself;  the IVF road can be one wild, emotionally charged roller coaster ride that’ll test you physically and mentally. That’s why surrounding yourself with a solid squad is an absolute must. You’ll need to lean hard on your inner circle during this time.

Bringing your partner, close family, or besties for appointments can lend extra ears to soak up all the deets. They’ll be your cheerleaders on the tough days. Don’t hesitate to ask for a hand with meals or chores or simply be an empathetic listener.

Seeking counseling or joining a local support group for fertility warriors can also work wonders. Connecting with others who’ve walked a similar path can be priceless. They get it in a way others can’t.

Legal Lowdown for IVF

Suppose you’re considering using an egg donor, sperm donor, embryo donor, or gestational surrogate (another incredible human carrying your bun in their oven). In that case, there are some critical legal hoops to jump through upfront. (we talk about IVF donors in the following section, so keep reading; don’t worry about not understanding everything)

You’ll likely need to collaborate with lawyers or agencies( especially when doing IVF in another country) to draw up ironclad contracts spelling out the rights, responsibilities, and financial obligations of all parties involved. This ensures everyone’s protection.

Legal parentage, any compensation agreements, and terms around sensitive decisions like abortion or selective reduction (reducing multiple fetuses) need to be clearly defined beforehand—no room for ambiguity.

While it adds an extra layer of logistics, having these legal safeguards in place gives you the peace of mind to focus on your family-building adventure, be sure to thoroughly discuss all options with your clinic’s staff before locking anything in.

Read more: Major Factors Contributing to IVF Failure

Your IVF Journey: What to Expect

Creating a Timeline for Your IVF Cycle

A normal IVF pregnancy takes three to four months from beginning to end. Never fear, though; we’ll explain everything in simple terms!

As we said above about the IVF process, you must schedule several appointments with your doctor and undergo some testing to ensure everything is on track. After that, the medications will begin to prepare your body for the significant performance.

The following step is to collect your eggs and then fertilize them in a lab using sperm. Lovely, isn’t it? The next step is to return the fertilized egg, which is now an embryo, to your uterus from outside—hoping for a positive pregnancy test! In this section, we provide you with a typical timeline calendar to better understand your IVF process! 

IVF calendar timeline:

This timetable is a general reference, but please remember that your experience may differ. It’s crucial to talk with your fertility doctor for a personalized timeframe. You may speak to your doctor or look into fertility groups for a more in-depth outline of the steps involved in an IVF procedure timetable.

You can download the table here! Also, you can request something like this(personal timeline)  from your IVF center if you want it.

Self-Care Tips Plus Nutrition and Healthy Habits During IVF

Taking care of oneself is essential during in vitro fertilization (IVF). In addition to consuming enough healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and whole grains, ensure you’re sufficiently sleeping. Olive oil, almonds, avocados, and other healthy fats are a reward for yourself.

  • Be sure to drink plenty of water as well. More water, more water!
  • Gentle yoga or meditation might help alleviate tension. Alternatively, you may settle with a delightful book or your eternal favorite film. Whatever enables you to unwind and rejuvenate.
  • Get help if needed; nobody is too proud to do it. Counseling or support groups can be beneficial when dealing with the highs and lows of in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Destressing and Maintaining an Upbeat Attitude After the Transfer

Relax for a few days once the embryo is snugged in. Put your feet up and let your body to operate naturally. For the sake of your developing embryo’s survival, you must continue taking your medications as prescribed, particularly the progesterone.

Lastly, remember to have an optimistic outlook! Hope for a positive pregnancy test by picturing it in your mind. Stay away from any physical exertion that may interrupt the procedure. Always pay close attention to your doctor’s orders because your IVF journey will be personal. Your support is unwavering!

Read more: IVF Aftercare Do’s and Don’ts

Beyond IVF

When IVF Doesn’t Go as Planned (Navigating an Unsuccessful IVF Cycle)

We know how much you’ve invested – emotionally, physically, and financially – into your IVF journey. So, if your cycle doesn’t result in a positive pregnancy test, feeling a whirlwind of emotions is normal. Sadness, frustration, anger, you name it.

The most important thing is to be kind to yourself during this challenging time. Give yourself space to process all the feels, whether journaling, talking to a therapist, or leaning on your support system.

Knowledge is Power (Educational resources)!

After you’ve gotten some air, it could be beneficial to immerse yourself in some instructional materials regarding in vitro fertilization. A better understanding of the process and the aspects that impact success rates will enable you to make well-informed judgments on your subsequent actions.

In terms of what comes next, make an appointment to see your fertility doctor again. An in-depth analysis of your cycle will be provided, and they will explain what changes might be made to enhance your chances for future attempts.

Exploring Your Options (alternative option)

Depending on your unique situation, your doctor might recommend trying another round of IVF. Or, they may suggest looking into alternative treatments like IUI, fertility medications, or even egg/sperm donation.

Adoption is another beautiful path to parenthood that many choose to pursue after unsuccessful IVF cycles.

The key is to keep an open mind, research, and have honest conversations with your partner (if you have one) and your care team about what feels suitable for you.

If You Do Get That Positive Test! (Achieving Pregnancy and Prenatal Care After IVF)

Once you achieve that long-awaited pregnancy through IVF, it’s time to start thinking about prenatal care. Your doctor will closely monitor your hormone levels (like hCG) in those first few weeks to ensure everything progresses smoothly.

You may also need to continue taking progesterone supplements to help support the pregnancy in those critical early stages.

From there, you’ll follow a standard prenatal care routine – regular check-ups, ultrasounds to monitor the baby’s growth and development, and so on. Since IVF pregnancies can come with slightly higher risks for certain complications, your care team may do some extra monitoring just to be on the safe side.

No matter what path you decide to take, you’ll succeed! 

Additional Considerations:

Cultural variations affect your experience with in vitro fertilization (IVF) when you contemplate doing it elsewhere. Considerations such as religious views, difficulties in communicating owing to language issues, privacy concerns around this delicate subject, and different viewpoints on topics such as traditional treatments, the use of donor eggs and sperm, and so on might vary from one nation to another.

Research the local customs and culture thoroughly before deciding to undergo cross-border fertility therapy. In their opinion, how does assisted reproduction usually work? Do you want to incorporate any unique traditions or beliefs when you have a family? The most important thing is to choose a kind and welcoming clinic that offers translation services, fosters an environment where people feel safe talking about sensitive topics, and is dedicated to providing treatment that respects different cultures.

Navigating the cultural terrain during this significant life experience may be easier with extra preparation and a fantastic care staff that “gets it.” Throughout this crucial procedure, all you want is to be cared for, appreciated, and made to feel at ease.

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