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22 questions you had about rhinoplasty but were ashamed to ask it!?

Iran Health Agency > blog > 22 questions you had about rhinoplasty but were ashamed to ask it!?
22 questions you had about rhinoplasty but were ashamed to ask it!?

22 questions you had about rhinoplasty but were ashamed to ask it!? This article is the most exciting and helpful article you should read before having rhinoplasty in iran. What happens if you cry after rhinoplasty? Many patients want to know how crying after rhinoplasty affects the outcome of the surgery. Crying is unlikely to cause […]

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22 questions you had about rhinoplasty but were ashamed to ask it!? This article is the most exciting and helpful article you should read before having rhinoplasty in iran.

What happens if you cry after rhinoplasty?

cry after rhinoplasty

Many patients want to know how crying after rhinoplasty affects the outcome of the surgery. Crying is unlikely to cause serious injury, but you should limit excessive facial movement, especially in the first few weeks after surgery, because the sutures made in the cartilaginous area are very delicate.

Intense crying after rhinoplasty causes the nasal muscles to contract and may put pressure on the sutures, even causing nosebleeds.

In addition, crying can cause congestion in your nose, and as you know, blowing your nose is forbidden after rhinoplasty. You have exceeded the allowable limit if you feel even the slightest pain in your nose after crying.

To get more information about the important points before rhinoplasty, you can read the article Considerations before rhinoplasty in Iran.

Can I brush my teeth after rhinoplasty?

Can I brush my teeth after rhinoplasty

Many worry that brushing their teeth after rhinoplasty will damage the nose and ruin the outcome of the surgery.

In the first days after rhinoplasty, you should avoid shaking your nose as much as possible; This is necessary for the nasal bone and the sutures to heal.

There is generally no specific prohibition on brushing after rhinoplasty because the splint holds the nose in place to a large extent. However, you must be careful not to shake your nose too much and follow your doctor’s instructions.

The plastic surgeon will recommend that you refrain from chewing food for 1 week to 10 days and use mixed foods. Consuming this type of food and not requiring much jaw movement, its residues usually do not remain between the teeth.

However, using a toothbrush to maintain good oral hygiene is essential. When brushing your teeth after rhinoplasty, open your mouth slightly and gently move the toothbrush in your mouth. You can also use mouthwash to ensure your oral hygiene.

Can a hump return after rhinoplasty?

Can a hump return after rhinoplasty

Recurrence of the nasal hump after rhinoplasty is one of the unpredictable complications of this surgery, which in most cases, is beyond the surgeon’s control. The nasal bone is stimulated when the hump on the nose is “shaved” during surgery. This is just like breaking a bone in the body.

When a broken bone wants to heal, a callus is formed first. The callus gets smaller and smaller over a few months, and in most cases, it disappears entirely after about 6 months, and the bone becomes smooth. Therefore, hump after rhinoplasty may be temporary.

However, in 5 to 10% of patients, the nasal hump may return due to inadequate bone removal or nasal bone growth after surgery.

Of course, this recurrent hump is usually very small compared to the initial hump, and some people cope with it. However, some patients may need reconstructive surgery.

How long after rhinoplasty can I wear makeup?

How long after rhinoplasty can I wear makeup

It is perfectly normal if you want to use makeup after rhinoplasty. Almost all patients develop bruising and swelling after rhinoplasty; You may want to use a lot of makeup and foundation to hide the swelling and bruising. On the other hand, makeup may help you feel better.

There are generally no restrictions on makeup after rhinoplasty; However, your surgeon may ask you to refrain from applying makeup until the splint is removed.

Applying makeup and washing afterward may moisturize bandages and stitches and put you at risk for complications such as infection and inflammation.

It is better to use high-quality cosmetics made from natural and mineral materials. This type of cosmetic is softer than other products and has a better cover.

Using cosmetics during recovery after rhinoplasty is also essential; Do not squeeze your hands when using skin cream or pancakes, And avoid makeup on the stitches.

Using yellow or green concealer is better if you want to cover bruises. Green concealer is better for covering red areas.

Regarding eye makeup after rhinoplasty, it should be said that if you wish, you can have eye makeup from the day after the operation; Just keep in mind that you should avoid getting the bandages and splints wet during the first week. Use makeup remover pads to remove eye and face makeup during this time.

Does taping your nose make it smaller?

tapping nose after rhinoplasty

Taping your nose after rhinoplasty helps improve surgical outcomes in two ways:

  • By pressing on the skin, it reduces its swelling.
  • Squeezing the skin on the underlying cartilage-skeleton structure helps place the separated skin on it more appropriately.

Taping your nose after rhinoplasty is especially helpful in patients with thicker skin because the skin of these patients needs more time than average to shrink after surgery.

In addition, these patients are more likely to develop scar tissue between the skin and its underlying skeleton. If the formation of this tissue is not prevented, it will prevent the healing process and ruin the desired result by causing protrusions in different areas of the nose, especially in the tip.

Taping your nose is most effective in the first few weeks to 1 month after rhinoplasty; Some surgeons recommend taping your nose at night for another 1 to 2 months.

However, some patients use tape 6 months to 1 year after surgery because it makes their nose smaller; taping does not seem helpful now.

After 1 to 2 months of taping, you have to wait for an additional 6 to 12 months to see the final results of the rhinoplasty.

Can I wash my hair after rhinoplasty?

Can I wash my hair after rhinoplasty

After a week of rhinoplasty, a plastic mold called a splint is placed over your nose that should not get wet. If the splint gets wet, it may loosen and lose its strength, negatively impacting the final nose; It also causes an itchy nose.

So, you cannot go to the bathroom as usual. Usually, during bathing during this period, you should ask someone to accompany you to the bathroom and help you. Because when you wash your hair alone, you must bend your head forward, and you may wet the nasal splint.

It is better to go to the bathroom the night before the operation and wash your head and body well so that you do not need to take a bath one or two days after the rhinoplasty.

From the second day onwards, you can sit on a plastic chair or stool in the bathroom to wash your hair. Try not to bend your head down as much as possible when bathing.

Bend your head back and ask someone to wash your hair. Ask your helper to control the water temperature first. When you are sure the water temperature is right, do the washing.

The water used for bathing should be lukewarm because if the water temperature is too high, it may cause dizziness.

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Can you drink coffee after a nose job?

drink coffee after nose job

Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in tea, coffee, and cocoa. Stimulating the brain and central nervous system helps you stay alert and prevent fatigue.

Many patients want to know how caffeine consumption after rhinoplasty affects the outcome of surgery. Caffeine reduces pain, but you should not consume caffeine from at least one week before rhinoplasty to one week after. Caffeine can interfere with painkillers and interfere with your sleep.

It is best to avoid caffeine for a month after rhinoplasty. Replacing caffeine with anti-inflammatory juices such as peach, carrot, and celery is better.

Can I sniff after rhinoplasty?

Can I sniff after rhinoplasty

Another frequently asked question is about sniffing after rhinoplasty. While sniffing, we force air out of our noses. In the first three weeks after surgery, because the tissues and mucosa inside the nose have not yet been repaired and are only held together by sutures, so there is a possibility of rupture and damage of tissues and mucosa, opening of sutures, and even perforation of the septum.

For this reason, you should usually avoid sniffing in the first three weeks, preferably a month after rhinoplasty; After this period, the tissues inside the nose are repaired, and sniffing is not dangerous.

However, it is best to ask your surgeon and follow their instructions. Remember, you should never put too much pressure on your nose when sniffing.

When can you drink alcohol after a nose job?

drink alcohol after a nose job

Alcohol can dilate the nasal arteries and increase the risk of bleeding after rhinoplasty. In addition, alcohol can increase the risk of rhinitis after surgery through the exact mechanism.

Alcohol can also interfere with medications prescribed after surgery and cause several side effects. In addition, alcohol increases urination and, in this way, can cause dehydration and disrupt the healing process of the nose. For these reasons, it is recommended that you avoid drinking alcohol for at least one week before surgery to one week after it.

When can I do sex after rhinoplasty?

sex after rhinoplasty

Patients often ask about having sex after rhinoplasty. It’s recommended to avoid sexual activity for 14 days to prevent nosebleeds and swelling. After two weeks, short-term sex is allowed, but avoid situations that cause swelling. For noses with thick skin, waiting up to a month is best. Avoid hitting the nose to prevent displacement or deformation.

Do you lose weight after rhinoplasty?

Do you lose weight after rhinoplasty

Another common question is whether we lose weight after rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty alone does not cause weight loss. However, dietary changes in the first few weeks after surgery may cause a slight weight loss.

Because chewing food causes shaking of facial parts, including the nose, plastic surgeons recommend mixing foods and soups that require less chewing in the first two to three weeks after the surgery. This diet may cause slight weight loss in some patients.

Of course, some people also make positive lifestyle changes after rhinoplasty due to increased self-confidence; For example, they exercise more, eat healthy foods, drink less, etc., which can eventually lead to losing weight after rhinoplasty.

When can I laugh after rhinoplasty?

When can I laugh after rhinoplasty

After rhinoplasty, avoid putting pressure on your nose, including laughing. The nose is still healing, and laughing can cause the bones and cartilage to move out of place. This can lead to unexpected results and infections. Control your laughter for 6-8 weeks after surgery; if you feel pain, you have exceeded the allowable limit. People who have had nose tip surgery or narrowing should be extra cautious.

When can I go to the gym after rhinoplasty?

When can I go to the gym after rhinoplasty

Rhinoplasty makes the blood vessels in the nose very vulnerable, so anything that raises the heart rate causes nosebleeds and may negatively affect the outcome of the operation.

After rhinoplasty, avoiding activities that make breathing hard or raise blood pressure is essential. Light walks can help improve blood flow and reduce swelling. Wait 2 weeks before resuming light exercise. Avoid heavy lifting and bending for a month, and delay heavy sports for at least 3 months. Be careful not to get hit in the face for at least a year after surgery. Remember that it takes 6 weeks for the nasal bone to heal, and any trauma during this time can affect the final shape of the nose.

When can I kiss someone after rhinoplasty?

When can I kiss someone after rhinoplasty

One of the questions some patients ask is when they can kiss someone after rhinoplasty. There are usually no restrictions on kissing after rhinoplasty, as long as you are careful not to damage your nose.

If you will kiss someone after a nose job, do it slowly so as not to put pressure on the sutures and nasal bone that is being restored. Some surgeons recommend that you avoid doing anything that poses a tiny percentage risk of damaging your nose in the first two weeks after rhinoplasty.

When can I wash my hair after rhinoplasty?

When can I wash my hair after rhinoplasty

It is recommended to take a bath the night before surgery and wash your head and body well so that you do not need to take a bath for 1 to 2 days after rhinoplasty. Washing hair after rhinoplasty may wet the nasal splint.

The splint protects your nose for 1 to 2 weeks and prevents the bones and cartilage of the nose from moving until it heals. If the nasal splint gets wet, it can no longer work properly, and the outcome of the surgery will be affected. Also, as it loosens, the skin of the nose becomes itchy and irritated, and it will be difficult for you to tolerate the splint during this week.

From the second day, you can sit on a plastic chair or stool in the bathroom to wash your hair. Bend your head back and ask someone else to wash your hair. It is better to avoid being directly under the shower. Bathing should be done with lukewarm water.

When can I smoke after rhinoplasty?

When can I smoke after rhinoplasty

Smoking is the enemy of all surgeries, including plastic surgery. Cigarettes contain various toxins, all harmful to the body; Regarding rhinoplasty, it hurts both anesthesia and the outcome of the surgery.

The nicotine in cigarettes narrows blood vessels and prevents nutrients from reaching quickly to the treatment area during the healing process.

As a result, the wound does not heal well, and sometimes infections and other complications such as skin cell death or necrosis occur. Because in rhinoplasty, the skin separates from the skeleton and has to reattach to the skeleton, this repair process is not done correctly for a person who smokes.

The smoker is also prone to respiratory complications during and after anesthesia. Smoking should be stopped from one week before rhinoplasty to one month after. This is one of the most essential preoperative measures to get the desired results.

When can I put my nose ring back in after rhinoplasty?

put my nose ring back in after rhinoplasty

The nose ring must be removed from the nose before rhinoplasty because the presence of this object during the surgery can lead to many risks and complications. For example, they may loosen, enter the nasal canal, and get stuck there.

After rhinoplasty, the nose needs time to heal, and you cannot immediately hang the nose ring to it. There is no exact time, but on average, it seems that you cannot put these rings back until the second month; Because the nose is not entirely healed, the nose ring can cause inflammation, infection, and damage to the nose structure. If you want a piercing after rhinoplasty, wait at least 6 months.

Of course, it is better to consult your plastic surgeon about this. They can tell you more precisely if your nose is ready for this or if you need to wait longer.

What is the regret rate for rhinoplasty?

Most studies report the regret or revision rate for rhinoplasty falls between 10-20%. This rate reflects patients unhappy with some aspect of their nose job, but it’s often due to unrealistic expectations rather than surgical errors. Some regret is common initially but usually resolves over time.

What is the regret rate for rhinoplasty?

Most studies report the regret or revision rate for rhinoplasty falls between 10-20%. This rate reflects patients unhappy with some aspect of their nose job, but it’s often due to unrealistic expectations rather than surgical errors. Some regret is common initially but usually resolves over time.

What questions should I ask my rhinoplasty surgeon?

Essential questions to ask include: What is your revision and complication rate? Can I see before/after photos of past patients? What techniques will you use for my particular nasal anatomy? How will you preserve or improve my breathing? How will you ensure my new nose complements my other facial features? What is the recovery process like, and when can I expect the final results?

Is it normal to regret rhinoplasty?

Some degree of regret or doubt is joint after a nose job because seeing a different nose in the mirror is an emotional adjustment. As swelling subsides and you get used to the results, these feelings often resolve. Unrealistic expectations increase the chance of regret, so discuss this honestly with your surgeon.

Are most people happy with their rhinoplasty?

Yes, studies show over 80% of patients report satisfaction and happiness with their rhinoplasty results over the long term. Choosing an experienced, reputable surgeon, you trust helps maximize success. Make sure your goals and motivations are clear.

Does a nose job change your smile?

Subtle changes can occur since altering the nose affects overall facial harmony. A good surgeon will account for how your new nose complements your smile so any changes appear natural. Discuss smile concerns beforehand.

Will a nose job change my eyes?

Again, subtle changes can happen if nasal dimensions are significantly altered. An experienced surgeon will ensure your eyes appear balanced and natural after rhinoplasty. Discuss any eye concerns with your doctor.

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