How Many Sessions Are Required for Hair Transplant?

hair transplant sessions count

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Hair Transplant Sessions Count

Here’s a table summarizing the typical range:

Desired Hair CoverageNumber of Sessions (Estimated)
Minor hair loss or touch-up1-2 sessions
Moderate hair loss2-3 sessions
Extensive hair loss3-4 sessions

Glossary of terms for hair loss extent:

  1. Minor hair loss or touch-up: You must fix a small area of hair loss or thin hair. In its early stages, it may show up as a receding hairline or a few bald spots on the head.
  2. Moderate hair loss: Moderate hair loss means the hair is getting thinner on a more significant part of the head. The forehead may have faded a lot, and you may be able to see your skin where your hair used to be. There is still a lot of given hair that can be used for grafts, though.
  3. Extensive hair loss: A person has significant hair loss if they are primarily bald and don’t grow back in large areas of their head. The hairline may have thinned out a lot, and there may be no hair around the crown. Due to hair loss, the donation area may need to be more significant.

Consider these things:

  • We’re just giving you a general guideline. Your hair transplant surgeon will assess your needs and recommend the lessons that will work for you.
  • Sessions are generally spaced out over a few months so the body has time to heal.
  • Each session can last 4 hours or more.

 Number of sessions based on hair transplant technique

Your number of sessions will also depend on the hair transplant technique used. So please look at the below table for complete information: 

FeatureFUT (Strip Method)FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)
Harvesting TechniqueA thin strip of scalp is removed from the donor area and dissected into individual follicular Units.Hair follicles are extracted one at a time directly from the donor area using a small punch tool.
Linear ScarThe back of the scalp is left with a linear scar. It may require shaving the head during surgery.No linear scar. Minimal scarring at extraction sites, often undetectable with short hair.
Recovery TimeDue to the strip removal, recovery time is longer.Using minimal incisions reduces recovery time.
Donor AreaCan harvest a more significant number of grafts in a single session.The number of grafts harvested per session may be limited.
SuitabilityIt is ideal for patients who need many grafts or have limited donor scalp laxity (tight scalp).It is suitable for patients with a scarless look or a tight scalp.
CostGenerally, it is less expensive due to the shorter operating time.It may be more costly due to the more meticulous extraction process.
Hair Transplant Sessions (Estimated)1-2 sessions2-4 sessions

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