Usually, when people conclude that they cannot get rid of excess body fat with exercise and diet, they become desperate and inevitably turn to liposuction.
Liposuction is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery that removes excess fat from different areas of the body such as the abdomen, hips, thighs, buttocks, arms, neck, and waist.
But you should keep in mind that liposuction has its complexities and may expose your physical health to very serious and important risks!
Therefore, before any action, you should consult a specialist and experienced doctor to be aware of the many problems and consequences of this method.
If liposuction is done by a qualified plastic surgeon, it leads to excellent results with minimum complications and side effects. In general, liposuction has a very high satisfaction rate.
Good candidates
In general, the best candidates for liposuction are usually those with the following characteristics:
- Their limbs do not have extra skin. If there is extra skin, after liposuction, another operation will be needed to remove the excess skin. For example, in the case of the abdomen, this procedure is called abdominoplasty.
- The elasticity and firmness of their skin are good and acceptable.
- They have well-trained and strong muscles.
- They cannot get rid of excess body fat through exercise and diet.
- They are in good physical health and perfect health.
- They are not overweight and are not too fat. It is necessary to have a stable weight for liposuction
- They are not smokers.
- They have realistic expectations. Removing extra fat can reshape or sculpt your body, but it can’t change your shape completely. Following a healthy lifestyle is also important after liposuction
Liposuction May Not Be appropriate for everyone.
If your immune system is weak, suffer from chronic diseases, have a history of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, blood clotting, or epilepsy or if you take drugs that increase the risk of bleeding, such as blood thinners, and if you smoke, tell your doctor at your initial consultation to determine whether you are a good candidate for liposuction or not.
Age limitations for liposuction
liposuction can be appropriate for any age, but the younger the patient is, the more desired result is achieved.
In consultation with an experienced and trained plastic surgeon, you can discuss your personal goals and expectations concerning the outcome of the procedure (both physical and emotional).
What areas are good for Liposuction?
The most common parts of the body for which liposuction can be performed include the thighs, hips, abdomen, and small areas such as the arm, knee, and ankle.

Liposuction procedure steps
Before liposuction, the surgeon may line the affected areas of your body with special materials. Photographs are also taken before and after surgery to compare them.
According to the areas liposuction is perfumed, the surgeon may use general (you are wake up in the recovery room) or local anesthesia (you do not understand what is happening around you).
A sedative may be injected into your veins to help keep you relaxed. It usually takes a few hours in the hospital or clinic for your condition to return to normal.
How the liposuction process is performed depends on the techniques used? Here are some of the most commonly used techniques:
- Tumescent liposuction: This method also called fluid injection is one of the most common types of liposuction surgeries. The surgeon injects a sterile solution (a combination of water and salt), an anesthetic (lidocaine) to reduce pain, and medicine that narrows the arteries. This liquid mixture causes the desired area to swell and then tighten. The surgeon then creates minor incisions in your skin and inserts a very slender vacuum tube known as a cannula under the skin. Canola is connected to a vacuum that removes excess fat tissue and bodily fluids. This kind takes longer than other types of liposuction surgeries.
- Ultrasound-assisted liposuction: This type of liposuction is used in conjunction with fluid injection liposuction. During the procedure, the surgeon inserts a metal rod under your skin. This metal rod emits ultrasonic energy and vibrations by itself. This energy breaks down the walls of the fat cells and makes the fat liquefy easier and less invasive.
- Laser-assisted Liposuction: This type of liposuction uses laser energy to remove excess fat from the patient’s body. there is less pain and swelling with this type and allows the surgeon to carefully remove more fat in minor areas such as the arm, knee, and ankle. Laser liposuction also stimulates collagen production and tightens skins.
After the procedure, the incisions will be closed with removable or dissolvable sutures. Then, the surgeon inserts drainage tubes under the skin for a few days to collect extra fluid and decrease the risk of infection.
You may stay at the hospital for one night to make sure you do not lose too much water or that your body is not shocked by fluid loss. After 7 to 10 days, the surgeon removes Sutures and drains.
Sometimes after the operation, the surgeon may hold the incised area open to allow excess fluid to drain out.
Can Liposuction have done with other procedures?
Yes. Fortunately, Liposuction can be combined or performed with other cosmetic procedures such as body lift, tummy tuck, breast reduction, and mommy makeover surgery.
How long will the procedure take?
liposuction surgery usually takes between 2 to 4 hours. The more extensive liposuction takes more time and you may need to be hospitalized for 2 to 3 nights.
Liposuction aftercare
To have the best results, follow your doctor after-care instructions:
- Drink fluids during the day. The best fluid that is compatible with lost fluid in the arteries is the ORS. Mix it with one-liter water and drunk cold. If the salty taste is not tolerable, mix it with fruit juice and taste. it is necessary to consume 10 glasses of saltwater and fruit juice during the first day.
- Your surgeon asks you to avoid too much activity on the first day of liposuction.
- Cover the wound with a compression bandage for at least two weeks and only take it off when you take a shower.
- Bathing after 48 hours is not a problem, but using the tub is forbidden until the wounds close.
- The holes will close in 3-5 days.
- Applying a lubricating cream or olive oil to the skin at the site of the suction will help the skin heal faster and prevent skin damage and blisters.
- You can start Walking after the second day of liposuction.
- If you have severe shortness of breath, loosen the bandage slightly first and consult your doctor if shortness of breath persists.
- Tell your doctor if you have to tingle around the lips, difficulty speaking, ringing in the ears, fever, or swelling at the suction side.
- The doctor asks the patient to visit the office one week after liposuction to make sure that the incision is healed and the bruise on the treated area is removed.
- Swelling of the genitals after abdominal suction, is normal and will go away. Do not use tight support like a swimsuit and rest more. Consult your doctor if this problem bothers you.
- A brief white discharge at the site of the puncture is a wound healing process and not an infection.
- Take the medication prescribed by your liposuction surgeon exactly.
- After liposuction try to follow a low-calorie diet under the supervision of a nutritionist.
- It is very useful to use vegetables with bulky and satisfying food and fruits.
- Exercise is an integral part of liposuction, after a week to 10 days you can start exercising.
- If you have a sedentary job, you can return to work after a few days. But be careful, the treated area should not be heavily active in the first weeks after surgery.
- Avoid smoking is a very important issue. not smoking will speed up your recovery process. However, smoking interferes with this process and can lead to scar tissue infection and other possible complications and risks.

Complications of liposuction
Like all surgeries, liposuction has risks such as bleeding and reaction to anesthetics. Possible side effects of liposuction include:
- Irregularities in shape: After surgery, your skin may become uneven. This is usually due to uneven fat removal, poor skin elasticity, and unusual treatment. These changes may be permanent.
- Fluid retention: It is possible for sacs containing a type of fluid to form under the skin. This fluid may need to be removed by a doctor with a needle.
- Numbness: The part of the body where liposuction is performed may be permanent or temporary. Sometimes this problem is solved by temporarily stimulating the nerve in that part.
- Infection: Although skin infections are very rare, there is a possibility.
- Internal perforation: A needle that penetrates deep into the body may cause rupture and perforation of internal organs. This may also require emergency surgery. Of course, this situation is very unlikely to occur.
- Fat embolism: Fragments of loose fat may break and get stuck in blood vessels. These fats can accumulate in the lungs or enter the brain. Fat embolism requires emergency surgery.
- Heart and kidney problems: Changes in fluid levels when fluid is injected and then sucked in can be life-threatening.
The risk of complications from this surgery may increase if the doctor works on a large area or performs various procedures during the operation. Be sure to talk to your doctor about these risks.
For decreasing the risk of this surgery you can make a connection with the best surgeons in the field of liposuction in Iran and use their services with high quality.