17 Tips that you should Know About Meaty or Fleshy Rhinoplasty!

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bony vs. meaty noses before considering rhinoplasty

Here are some key things to know about bony vs. meaty noses before considering rhinoplasty:

  • Bony nose: A nose with a bony framework and thin skin. The shape of the nose is defined by the bone and cartilage structure underneath. Bony noses tend to be sharper and more angular.
  • Meaty/fleshy nose: A nose with thicker skin and softer cartilage. There is less bone structure supporting the nose. Meaty noses have smoother contours and less definition.
  • Causes of the meaty nose: Genetics, ethnicity, aging (as cartilage weakens), and thick skin can all contribute to a fleshier nose. Certain ethnicities, like African American and Asian noses, tend to be meatier.

Differences in rhinoplasty:

Bony noses: Minor changes to the bone and cartilage can make significant differences. There is less need for grafting.

Meaty noses: More drastic cartilage and bone grafting may be needed to achieve definition. Thick skin can obscure surgical results.

  • Risks: Meaty noses carry higher risks like unnatural contours, visibility of grafts, and losing definition over time as the soft tissues can obscure surgical results.
  • Recovery: Bony noses recover faster due to less swelling. Meaty noses take longer for full results due to more swelling and inflammation.

Let us compare them at a glance:

Bony vs. Meaty Nose:


Bony Nose

Meaty Nose







Bone Structure


Less prominent


Sharper, angular

Smoother, rounder


More straightforward to achieve the desired results

It may require more grafting


There is less risk of unnatural results

Higher risk of grafts showing, losing definition


Faster, less swelling

Slower, more swelling and inflammation

What are the techniques for a meaty nose job?

When someone wants to change the shape of their nose, surgeons can use a method that involves using the middle cartilage to reinforce the nasal cartilage. This helps narrow the nose’s lower part and shape the tip. In some cases, if there is a bump on the septum, the surgeon may avoid removing any cartilage or nasal bones to maintain the natural structure of the nose.

Meaty closed Rhinoplasty or Meaty open Rhinoplasty?

There is no limitation on the methods surgeons can choose for meaty Rhinoplasty. If you have a meaty nose and are considering a rhinoplasty, you have two options: closed or open rhinoplasty. The open method is more effective, as the surgeon has better access to the inside of the nose, and the tip is more visible. A closed procedure limits access and visibility, resulting in a lower success rate. Therefore, if you want the best chance of success, you should opt for an open meaty nose job.

Is meaty Rhinoplasty harder?

Interestingly, the difficulty level during surgical procedures for bony noses is comparable to that of meaty noses. However, it is worth highlighting that meaty noses typically require a more extended recovery period after surgery. This is because the nasal tissue in meaty noses is usually thicker and has a higher blood supply, which can result in more swelling and bruising post-surgery. Therefore, patients with meaty noses should be prepared to allow for a more extended recovery period before resuming their everyday activities.

What is the best age for meaty Rhinoplasty?

Nose surgery should be done when the growth of facial components, especially the nose, is complete, so if the motive for nasal surgery is not to treat defects such as congenital disabilities or nasal obstruction or abnormalities, it should be performed by the end of puberty.

Although it can be done for girls after age 14 and boys after age 16, it is usually best for individuals after age 18 as the growth of the facial components is completed.

best age for meaty Rhinoplasty








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How much does a meaty Rhinoplasty cost?

The price of meaty Rhinoplasty is defined by multiple factors, including destination, Surgeon’s reputation, case severity, and the rate of the hospital.

Fleshy or meaty nose surgery is more complex than other operations because of the delicacies it requires during surgery.

The expert estimates the cost of this procedure depending on the type of meaty nose and the type of required method.

Bony Nose Rhinoplasty: The procedure is typically less expensive because it is simpler.

Meaty Nose Rhinoplasty is typically more expensive due to its increased complexity, which may involve more grafting and sculpting techniques.

Rhinoplasty Cost by Location: Here’s a rough estimate (USD) to give you an idea:

  • Iran: $1,500 – $3000 (known for being more affordable for rhinoplasty)
  • Europe: $10,000+ (typically more expensive)
  • United States: $8,000 – $15,000+ (typically more expensive)

Important Note: When considering rhinoplasty, prioritizing an experienced and qualified surgeon is critical, regardless of cost.  Choose a board-certified surgeon who can assess your needs and deliver the best outcome.

What to do before a meaty or fleshy nose job?

what to do after fleshy nose job
  • One of the most critical steps a candidate should take before fleshy nose surgery is to select a skilled and knowledgeable nose surgeon.
  • For the two weeks before the nose surgery, avoid taking medications that lead to blood thinning, such as aspirin, and anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen and indomethacin.
  • Tell your doctor before your nose surgery if you are taking a particular medicine.
  • Quit smoking and alcoholic drinks at least a week ago until two weeks after nose surgery.
  • At the consultation, share your expectations and wishes with your nose surgeon.
  • The nose surgeon recommends a series of tests for the candidate for meaty nose surgery.
  • If you have herpes or a cold, tell your doctor immediately.
  • Take a shower the day before your nose surgery.
  • Be fasting 8 hours before nasal surgery.
  • We advise the nose surgery candidates to wear comfortable and preferably open fronts for this cosmetic surgery so that they do not have any problems after surgery to change clothes.

How long does a meaty nose job take?

The required time for a meaty nose job depends on the severity of the case, but any kind of Rhinoplasty usually takes 1-3 hours.

What to do after a fleshy nose job?

what to do after fleshy nose job
17 Tips that you should Know About Meaty or Fleshy Rhinoplasty! 1

What to do after a fleshy nose job? Here are the recovery tips after surgery:

  • Using cold compresses for up to two days after the procedure helps to improve the swelling of your face and nose.
  • Eye bruising, sore throat, blood discharge for the first few days after surgery, and numbness around the nose for up to 3 weeks are typical.
  • It is recommended to keep the head in an upper position than the body for 1 to 2 days after surgery. Avoid sleeping sideways for up to two weeks, as the pillow pressure can cause nasal deformity or swelling.
  • Use liquid and soft foods in the feeds to minimize displacement of the face and jaw. Also, avoid eating spicy hot tea and coffee.
  • When sneezing, try to open the mouth more to put less pressure on the nose
  • Avoid pressing and dropping your nose. You can use cotton or a syringe to help clean the nose.
  • Put on buttoned or zippered clothing as far as possible to avoid negative impact on the nose when wearing and removing.
  • Swimming pools, saunas and jacuzzis, diving, high jumping, and sunbathing are generally prohibited for up to 6 months.
  • Be sure to consult your surgeon for painkiller medications. Medications such as aspirin and ibuprofen can cause bleeding due to decreased blood coagulation.
  • You can walk up to two weeks after surgery but postpone intensive exercise for up to six months.
  • Avoid exposure to sunlight and heat, such as a stove or a heater, for up to 3 weeks after surgery, as heat can cause nasal swelling.

What are the complications of meaty Rhinoplasty?

The only complication of a meaty nose job compared to a bony one is a long recovery. Because of thick skin and soft tissue, 1-3 years are needed for the final shape.

Will the meaty nose job reverse to the previous shape?

People commonly believe meaty noses are not good candidates for rhinoplasty in reversing the previous shape. Still, nowadays, the existence of new methods and techniques has solved this problem.

How long is meaty nose job recovery?

Thanks to new techniques and modern tools recovery duration of a meaty nose is only 7-10 days.

Is Corticosteroid injection effective on meaty nose job?

Corticosteroids are typically injected into the nose to reduce nasal swelling.  And It usually happens after meaty or fleshy Rhinoplasty due to the thick skin of meaty noses; the swelling in nostrils is more than in bony noses. Therefore, corticosteroids help with sooner healing.

It should be noted that injecting corticosteroids into the bony nostrils will destroy the subcutaneous tissues.

Can enzyme replace rhinoplasty in meaty noses?

Enzyme injection is not a definite answer for making the meaty noses small because gaining weight and pregnancy ruin the result, and it returns to its previous form.

meaty Rhinoplasty

Does Laser work with meaty noses?

Nowadays, you may have heard a lot about nose surgery with a laser. Although lasers are extensively used in medical science, it has not progressed so much in the nasal surgery field. The only use of laser in nasal surgery is to remove scars caused after Rhinoplasty

Laser nasal cosmetic surgery is only propaganda and is scientifically inaccurate.

Where Is the best country for meaty Rhinoplasty?

Iran can be a reliable option when you decide to have a Rhinoplasty abroad. Since Iran is famous as the nose capital of the world.

The abundance of experienced surgeons, board-certified and graduated from American and European countries, ended up this outstanding achievement.

How much does a meaty nose job in Iran?

Meaty rhinoplasty price differs on the surgeon’s repuSurgeon’sase severity, city, and hospital rate. But a fleshy or meaty nose job in Iran typically costs 1500-3000 $.

Iran Health Agency is the best medical tourism center in Iran, and you can visit us for medical and beauty services.

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