Breast reduction (mammoplasty) in Iran
- Duration: 2 – 3 Hours
- Total Stay: 8 Days
- Anesthesia: General
- Clinic Stay: 1 Day
- Recovery: 1 – 2 months
Breast Reduction Surgery in Iran Steps by Steps
Get informed guidance every step of the way – each step of the process, from initial inquiry to postsurgical care, is mapped out in detail so you know what to expect.
Breast reduction can also improve the shape and position of the nipples and areolas, and relieve physical and emotional discomfort caused by overly large breasts. continue this by talking about the cost of it in Iran. the cost of nipple and areola reduction surgery in Iran ranges from $1000 to $1500 for both breasts.
How much is a breast reduction in Iran?
A breast reduction surgery in Iran usually costs $2,500 – $4,000. It’s way cheaper than in the US or UK, where it costs $5,000 to $10,000. Iranian surgeons are skilled, so it’s a great place to get high-quality breast reduction surgery for a lot less money.
The cost of nipple and areola reduction surgery in Iran ranges from $1000 to $1500 for both breasts. However, prices may vary depending on the surgeon, hospital, and extent of the procedure.

Mammoplasty Reduction Before And After photos
- Before, photos showed large, sagging, disproportionate breasts with overhanging skin and wide arteries.
- After photos reveal uplifted, smaller breasts that are more proportional to the woman’s body frame, breasts appear firmer and younger. Scarring fades over time.
Breast Reduction Surgeons in Iran
Board-certified specialists have outstanding reputations for their expertise, surgical techniques, and commitment to patient safety and care. The surgeons deliver exceptional outcomes and offer individualized and empathetic support throughout the surgical journey.
ENT Surgoen
+10 Years of experience
highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon with a remarkable track record of over 1,000 successful cosmetic surgeries
ENT Surgoen
+10 Years of experience
highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeon with a remarkable track record of over 1,000 successful cosmetic surgeries
Nose surgeon
+18 Years of experiences
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Nose surgeon
+18 Years of experiences
Nose operation (rhinoplasty) ear cosmetic surgery chin cosmetic surgery
Plastic surgeons
+16 Years of exprience
The member of the Iranian aesthetic plastic surgery societies
Plastic surgeons
+16 Years of exprience
The member of the Iranian aesthetic plastic surgery societies
Plastic surgeons
+14 Years of ecprience
Nose operation (rhinoplasty) ear cosmetic surgery chin cosmetic surgery
Plastic surgeons
+14 Years of ecprience
Nose operation (rhinoplasty) ear cosmetic surgery chin cosmetic surgery

Our Hotels
International care, local comfort
Accommodation is one of the services that Iran health agency provides for its clients. we are here to book hotel, hostel or recovery house according to your budget, hospital and clinic location.
to meet your comfort needs Booking of the accommodation is done in advance. After airport pick-up you will directly be transferred to hotel so it helps a lot to save your time.
What is breast reduction surgery?
- Breast reduction, also called reduction mammoplasty, removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin to achieve a smaller, lifted breast contour. It can relieve physical discomfort and improve proportions.
Breast implants in Iran
Breast augmentation or implants in Iran range from $1,500-$2,500 on average. This includes the cost of silicone or saline implants, surgery fees, anesthesia, and hospital stay. The price varies based on the implant type, surgeon’s fee, and clinic.
what is mammoplasty surgery
Mammoplasty refers to plastic surgery procedures performed on the breasts. Some common types of mammoplasty surgery include:
- Breast reduction (reduction mammoplasty): This procedure removes excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to reduce the size of oversized breasts. It can relieve physical discomfort caused by heavy breasts.
- Breast lift (mastopexy): A breast lift reshapes sagging breasts by raising the position of the nipple and areola. It removes excess skin and tightens supporting breast tissue to give breasts a more youthful shape.
- Breast augmentation (augmentation mammoplasty): Augmentation uses breast implants, usually silicone or saline, to increase breast size. It aims to improve breast contour and fullness.
- Breast reconstruction: This reconstructs the breast shape after a mastectomy or injury. It may use implants, natural tissue flaps, or both.
- Nipple/areola reconstruction: This surgery rebuilds or repairs the nipple and areola after injury or breast surgery.

WHat is Nipple and Areola Reduction؟
Nipple and Areola Reduction Cosmetic surgery can change the size and shape of nipples, as well as areolae (the pigmented area around a woman’s nipples). Some people who have this operation are doing so for aesthetic reasons, such as nipples that look large and puffy or are larger than the other; others may be having it done functionally to relieve discomfort from clothing rubbing against their bodies during ordinary daily activities.
General Information for nipple reduction
- According to the result sought and patient anatomy, there are different techniques for nipple reduction. Surgery usually takes less than an hour and can be performed under local or general anesthesia.
- The surgeon may make an incision around the edge of the areola, on one side or both sides of nipple and remove excess tissue and skin. The incisions are subsequently closed with stitches and covered by dressings.
- This surgery can be done by itself, or with other breast procedures including breast augmentation, a lift of the breasts to raise their position on the chest wall (mastopexy), reduction mammoplasty in which one side is made larger and other smaller; gynecomastia correction for men.
Male Nipple Reducrtion:
Nipple hypertrophy is a condition of enlarged or overt nipples. Cosmetic surgery reduces the size and shape of the nipples for men who suffer from this problem In fact, some men may opt for this surgery on aesthetic or functional grounds-perhaps they do not like the way their nipples look, perhaps they are uncomfortable about them or even embarrassed.
The surgery is done under local anesthesia and takes less than one hour. The surgeon cuts a little slit around the bottom of the nipple and trims away extra tissue and skin. Suturing is then done to close the incision and dressings are applied. Recovery time normally takes a few days to one week, and the results are permanent.
Transgender Chest Contouring: Masculinizing Breast Reduction Techniques
Our specialists often treat transgender patients seeking a flatter, contoured chest. For those struggling with overly large breasts, our customized gynecomastia and breast reduction procedures utilize liposuction and tissue excision techniques.
Recovery from nipple and areola reduction
The time required for recovery from nipple and areola reduction depends upon the extent of surgery as well as on how quickly each individual heals. Some common postoperative instructions include:
- Avoiding strenuous activities, heavy lifting, and chest contact for several weeks
- Wearing a supportive bra or compression garment to reduce swelling and promote healing
- Keeping the incisions clean and dry and applying antibiotic ointment as directed
- Taking pain medication and anti-inflammatory drugs as prescribed
- Following up with the surgeon for wound care and suture removal
Risks and complications of the surgery
The results of nipple and areola reduction are usually long-lasting, but they may change over time due to aging, weight fluctuations, hormonal changes, or pregnancy and breastfeeding. Some possible risks and complications of the surgery include:
- Infection, bleeding, bruising, or hematoma
- Scarring, keloids, or changes in skin color or texture
- Loss of sensation or function in the nipples or areolae
- Difficulty or inability to breastfeed
- Asymmetry, irregularity, or dissatisfaction with the cosmetic outcome
If you are interested in nipple and areola reduction, you should consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon who can evaluate your condition and discuss your goals and expectations. You should also be aware of the pros and cons of the surgery and have realistic expectations about the results.
Risks and complications of the surgery
- Nipple and areola reduction can improve your self-confidence and comfort, but it is not a substitute for a healthy body image or self-esteem.
- Nipple and areola reduction is a personal decision that should be made after careful consideration and research. You should not feel pressured or influenced by anyone else’s opinions or preferences.
- Nipple and areola reduction is a safe and effective procedure when performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon. However, like any surgery, it has potential risks and complications that you should be aware of and prepared for.
Does Islam allow breast reduction?
In general, breast reduction surgery is permissible in Islam if it is done for medical or psychological reasons, not just for cosmetic purposes. The surgery should not lead to deliberate deformation of one’s appearance. Most Islamic scholars allow it if a woman is experiencing physical or mental distress due to overly large breasts.
Is it Haram to reduce breast Size?
The majority of Islamic scholars do not consider breast reduction haram, as long as it is not done for solely cosmetic reasons. Scholars allow it if the large breasts are causing medical problems or psychological distress. The goal should be to reduce to a natural size, not deform or mutilate the body.
Is it Haram to show your breasts?
Showing the breasts is generally considered haram in Islam, except in front of close relations like one’s spouse. Even viewing one’s own naked body should be avoided according to orthodox interpretations. However, some progressive scholars argue exposing breasts is not explicitly forbidden.

Can breasts grow back after reduction?
In most cases, breasts can regrow to some extent after reduction surgery, especially if the woman gains a significant amount of weight or becomes pregnant. However, they rarely regrow to the original size. Most plastic surgeons advise patients that some regrowth is possible.

Is breast reduction surgery painful?
Breast reduction surgery is moderately painful during the first week after surgery. Patients are given pain medication to manage discomfort. After the first week, most of the pain subsides. There may be soreness and swelling for a few more weeks. Full recovery takes 6-8 weeks.

Mammoplasty recovery
It’s imperative to note that breast reduction surgery does not directly influence breast cancer risk. However, it provides an opportunity for healthcare providers to closely examine breast tissue. Regular breast examinations post-surgery are vital for detecting breast cancer abnormalities or signs early, enhancing treatment chances.
Frequently Asked Questions About mammoplasty
Who is a suitable candidate for breast reduction?
- Good candidates have overly large, heavy breasts, causing back/neck pain, poor posture, skin irritation, and discomfort. Healthy individuals with realistic goals who are not bothered by large breasts may benefit.
What is the breast reduction procedure like?
- It involves making incisions to remove excess tissue, reshape the breast mound, and reposition the nipple/areola. They are usually performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. It takes 2-3 hours.
What is recovery like after breast reduction surgery?
- There will be swelling and soreness for a few weeks. Light activity can start after 1-2 weeks, but strenuous exercise takes 4-6 weeks. Prescription medication manages postoperative pain.
What results can be expected from breast reduction?
- Results include smaller, lighter, uplifted breasts that are more balanced with the woman’s frame. Self-confidence improves as women fit into clothing better. Scarring fades over several months.
What are the risks and complications of breast reduction?
- Risks include bleeding, temporary loss of nipple sensation, asymmetry, delayed wound healing, visible scarring, loss of ability to breastfeed, and the need for revision surgery in some cases. While breast reduction surgery has risks, the potential benefits far outweigh the risks. Women who have undergone surgery reported Increased self-confidence, improved posture, relief of physical discomfort, and greater satisfaction with their overall appearance.
The recovery period after a mammoplasty usually takes 6-8 weeks. Initially there will be pain, swelling and bruising. Patients generally need 1-2 weeks off work. Activities are restricted for 4-6 weeks to allow incisions to heal. Most swelling dissipates after 6 weeks and scars continue fading over 3-6 months.