Kidney Transplant Success Rate by Age

kidney transplant success rate by age

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IranHealthAgencys’  patients always have concerns about their age! Is everything going smoothly even though I’m not young anymore? One of our patients was above 50 and even had open-heart surgery, and his surgery was done very well! 

So, depending on your medical condition, the success rate can vary from person to person, regardless of age. However, age can also significantly impact the success rate!

Read more: kidney transplant success rate in Iran

Look at the table below for a better understanding:  

Age Group5-Year Success Rate (Living Donors)5-Year Success Rate (Deceased Donors)
65 and above81.6%62.0%

Let’s get help from research describing the table above: 

  • Age 18-34

Kidney transplant success rate by age shows that recipients aged 18 to 34 have the highest success rates. The five-year survival rate for living-donor kidney transplants (LDKT) in this age group is approximately 97.8%. This age group generally experiences lower complications and organ rejection rates, making their outcomes favorable.

  • .Age 35-49

The kidney transplant success rate by age remains high in the 35- to 49-year-old group, with a five-year survival rate of around 90.9% for LDKT recipients. This demographic also benefits from a relatively lower incidence of comorbid conditions compared to older age groups, contributing to better overall outcomes.

  • Age 49-65

For recipients aged 49 to 65, the kidney transplant success rate by age begins to decline slightly. The five-year survival rate for LDKT in this group is approximately 88.3%. Factors such as age-related health issues and the potential for increased organ rejection rates may influence these outcomes, although they remain favorable compared to older populations.

  • After Age 65

The kidney transplant success rate by age for recipients over 65 years shows a notable decrease in long-term outcomes. The five-year survival rate for LDKT recipients in this category is about 83.9%. While older patients can still achieve good outcomes, they face higher risks of complications and mortality compared to younger recipients. Studies indicate that patient and graft survival rates are generally lower in older populations, highlighting the need for careful assessment and management of these patients.

Read more: kidney transplant procedure

Kidney Transplant Success Rate by Age in India

Most of our patients in Iran are from India. In this country, the success rate of kidney transplants is high, with approximately 90% of patients from deceased donors surviving five years post-transplant. 

kidney transplant success rate by age in India

Living donor transplants show even better outcomes, with a five-year survival rate of around 96%.

At first. 

However, Due to the complex legality of kidney transplants and the long waiting list there, some kidney patients consider traveling to another country to find a chance to live without kidney problems or dialyze. 

  • India has also made significant strides in kidney transplantation, with an increasing number of transplants performed annually. The country has a growing network of transplant centers and focuses on living and deceased donor programs.
  • In India, the range of family members eligible to be the donor in an incompatible patient-donor pair is more restrictive than those authorized to give a transplant directly.

Read more: When is a Kidney Transplant Necessary?

Success Rate of Kidney Transplant in Pakistan

Pakistan also reports favorable outcomes for kidney transplants, although specific age-related statistics are less frequently published. 

kidney transplant success rate by age in Pakistan

The overall success rate is comparable to that of India, with a strong emphasis on improving transplant services.

Read more: Managing Your Kidney Transplant: A Guide to Medications, Monitoring, and Signs to Watch For!

Kidney Transplant Success Rate by Age in Iran

In Iran, kidney transplant success rates are similarly high, with studies indicating a five-year survival rate of about 90% for both living and deceased donor transplants. Age plays a critical role, as older recipients may experience lower success rates, similar to global trends.

kidney transplant success rate by age in Iran

A significant portion of kidney transplants in Iran comes from living non-related donors, which is facilitated by a government-supported program that compensates donors to prevent organ trafficking and ensure ethical practices.

  • In 1988, Iran made it possible for people who are not related to the donor to give their kidneys to someone else. The government set up a system to pay donors and pay for the transplant process.
  • Iran had more than 21,000 kidney transplants by 2007; most came from live unrelated donors (LURD) or living-related donors (LRD). The success rates for patient and graft longevity are about the same as those used worldwide.
  • It is okay to pay kidney donors in Iran. Well-trained transplant centers do both transplants and nephrectomies. These centers are also in charge of taking care of donors and patients after surgery.
  • Foreigners were not allowed to get kidney transplants in Iran after 2014. The only people who were allowed to do so were Afghan refugees who could only give to other Afghans in Iran.

Read more: You can Do kidney transplant in Iran safely 

Irans’ Kidney Transplant Hospital

As we said, Iran is a professional country in kidney treatment. Tehran and the other towns of Iran have are most famous hospitals with the most experienced doctors. 

Shahid Labbafinejad Medical Center

  • Location: Tehran
  • Overview: This center is one of the leading kidney transplantation facilities in Iran and the Middle East, having performed over 3,400 kidney transplants since 1985. It is renowned for its training programs and recognized as a significant center for living unrelated kidney transplants.
  • Specialties: The center excels in laparoscopic donor nephrectomy and has a significant track record in pediatric kidney transplants, with more than 470 procedures performed on children.

Shahid Beheshti Hospital

  • Location: Tehran
  • Overview: This hospital is known for its comprehensive kidney care, offering services from pre-transplant evaluations to post-operative care. It has modern facilities and a skilled team of nephrologists and surgeons.

kidney transplant hospitals in Iran

Shariati Hospital

  • Location: Tehran
  • Overview: Shariati Hospital is recognized for its commitment to ethical practices in organ transplantation. It provides extensive support for recipients and donors, ensuring a smooth and safe transplantation process.

Read more: Diet after kidney transplant (patient guide) [with kidney recipe finder] 

Baqiyallah Al-Azam Hospital

  • Location: Tehran
  • Overview: This hospital is another key player in Iran’s kidney transplant landscape. It offers specialized services and focuses on patient-centered care.

Bo Ali Hospital

  • Location: Shiraz
  • Overview: Located in Shiraz, this hospital is known for its advanced transplant programs and has contributed significantly to the field of nephrology in Iran.

IranHealthAgency, your kidney transplant partner: 

Understanding the kidney transplant success rate by age is essential for patients and healthcare providers to make informed decisions regarding transplant eligibility and management strategies.

As health facilities in Iran, we help you make better decisions and complete all the legal processes with our connections in Iran’s government and hospitals! 

All our processes are internationally legal and are under international police in Iran, so don’t worry about the legal process. 


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