IVF gender selection in Iran

IVF gender selection

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One of the biggest hopes of every couple is to have a healthy child. But sometimes, it’s also essential to know what gender the baby is. Some couples want to know the sex of the embryo before they get pregnant to avoid getting major genetic diseases or chromosomal problems. For instance, muscle dystrophy and hemophilia are genetic diseases that only affect boys, and boys with autism often have worse symptoms than girls with autism.

Some parents choose a specific gender for their child for cultural, social, or even financial reasons, in addition to medical ones. Couples sometimes try to get pregnant to have a child of the desired sex, which is not only very expensive but also dangerous for the mother’s health. In light of this, families have been interested in finding out the fetus’s gender for a long time, and both traditional and modern ways have been suggested. We talk about the different methods of sex selection in this article.

IranHealthAgency provides clear, expert guidance on the processes involved, ensuring you understand the legal and medical aspects of gender selection (PGD) during IVF.
For couples interested in exploring these options, advanced techniques available via IVF in Iran offer safe and effective methods. This approach ensures that all patients receive personalized care while navigating complex choices with confidence and clarity.

IVF gender selection (PGD)

IVF gender selection in Iran

With the help of assisted reproductive technologies, it is now easier to treat infertility and have a child. Through IVF + gender selection (IVF+PGD), couples can even pick the gender of their child. Artificial reproduction makes this possible today, so it’s not just a dream.

Thanks to significant steps forward in reproductive technology, it is now possible to find out the sex of a baby by testing it in the lab. Patients can choose whether they want a boy or a girl through preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) tests. Let’s look at the whole process of IVF and gender selection (sex selection) to see how they work and how well this process would work.

What are the reasons for gender selection during IVF?

Gender selection was first made to help partners who have a history of a genetic disease that runs in their family so they wouldn’t have to worry about having a child with the same disorder.

People were more likely to use sex selection technology for reasons other than medical ones as it got better. This technology is used in IVF for a lot of different reasons. Here are the main reasons why people use sex selection.

For “family balancing,” people who want to have children usually choose the sex selection method. In this case, a pair has always wanted a girl but has only had boys. So, during IVF, they can use a sex selection process to make sure they have a girl.

  • This is done to prevent the possible transmission of hereditary diseases to the child. After having a kid with a genetic condition, some couples select a different gender to avoid having another child with a gender-specific disorder.
  •  A couple may want to have another child of the same gender after losing one.
  • Some people may think they are mentally better prepared to parent a specific gender.
  • In some traditional countries, having a baby of a specific gender, usually a boy, can be seen as a blessing.

People choose to have sex selection for a lot of very personal reasons, and those reasons should all be taken into account. We can talk about gender selection during the meeting and include it in your treatment plan if you want to do it. Choosing a child’s sex is an excellent service that helps parents get ready for raising their child.

Is IVF gender selection legal?

is IVF gender selection legal

Yes, it is possible to choose the sex of a baby through IVF using a technique called preimplantation genetic testing, or PGT, for sex selection.

Note that not all nations allow non-medical gender selection, and IVF for gender selection may be restricted by law. Individuals should also carefully evaluate the ethical aspects of gender selection and discuss them with a doctor or counsellor.

Most of the time, the PGD method works very well when choosing the sex of an embryo. A lot of couples go to Iran every year to use IVF for sex determination services.

There is no law against pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) or IVF gender selection in Iran. It is done in the best fertility centres in the country.

China, Brazil, Japan, and Singapore all allow sex selection for reasons other than medical ones, but there are rules and limits in place. The United States and Mexico are countries that will enable non-medical sex selection (with no restrictions or limits).

IVF gender selection cost

IVF gender selection cost

The price of gender selection varies widely because each center sets its prices and includes different services in those prices. In 2024, it costs a little more or less to get IVF treatment in various centers in Iran, but in general, an entire IVF session costs around €2,500 to €3,500.

Before starting infertility treatment, a couple should see a specialist more than once to ensure good health. They must also undergo the tests and diagnostic processes the doctor asks for.

These people say the doctor can determine how to best treat the couple. If you want to know more information about IVF gender selection in Iran, IranHealthAgency, contact us to set up a free meeting with a specialist doctor or to plan a trip to Iran for medical care.

The cost of IVF in the United States$15,000
The cost of IVF in Iran$2,500-$3,500
The cost of IVF in India$3,300
The cost of IVF in Thailand$6,500
The cost of IVF in Mexico$6,500
The cost of IVF in Oman$7,000
The cost of IVF in Emirate$12,000
The cost of IVF in Turkey$3,500


As our exploration of IVF gender selection in Iran (PGD)reaches its conclusion, we recognize that the journey to parenthood is as unique as the individuals embarking upon it. Behind the clinical terms like “PGD” and “in vitro fertilization” are countless stories of hope, determination, and the deep-seated human desire to raise a family under the best possible circumstances.

Many people come to Iran to get the best, most affordable gender selection services because they can’t get them in their own countries because of the high cost and restrictions on technology. IranHealthAgency is proud to help couples in this way by being there for them from the consultation step through the pregnancy and any follow-up tries that may be needed. You can contact us any time of the week to learn more about this service.

Click on the image below for more information:

IVF packages in Iran


1- Schenker JG. Gender selection: cultural and religious perspectives. Journal of assisted reproduction and genetics. 2002 Sep;19:400-10.

2- Licciardi F. In vitro fertilization gender predilection: more but less. F&S Reports. 2021 Jun 1;2(2):144.

3- Devroe J, Peeraer K, D’Hooghe TM, Boivin J, Laenen A, Vriens J, Dancet EA. Great expectations of IVF patients: the role of gender, dispositional optimism, and shared IVF prognoses. Human Reproduction. 2022 May 1;37(5):997-1006.

4- https://www.pfcla.com/blog/ivf-gender-selection-how-does-it-work

5- https://www.genderselectionaustralia.com.au/

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