Dr. Kamran Kavianifar

Dr. Kamran Kavianifar

Expertise: Nose surgeon

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Dr. Kamran Kavianifar

Plastic surgery specialist

Surgeon in Mashhad
is one of the best nose and body surgeons in Mashhad. He started his career in the field of facial and body cosmetic surgery professionally since 2011, and is currently a member of the Iranian Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeons Association and also a member of the International Society of Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery ISAPS.

he’s one of the best plastic surgeon in iran


  1. Facial rejuvenation
  2. Sugar lip surgery
  3. Blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery
  4. Breast cosmetic surgery – hip prosthesis
  5. Gynecomastia surgery for men
  6. Liposuction and abdominoplasty surgery

Dr Kamran Kavianfar Articles:

New computational approaches to the analysis of interbeat intervals in human subjects

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