Dr. Hamid Postachi

Dr. Hamid Postachi

Expertise: Nose surgeon

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Dr. Hamid Postachi

Surgeon in Shiraz

He was born in Karaj city and obtained their general medicine degree from Shahid Beheshti University of Tehran in 2001.
After that, they started studying in the ear, throat and nose specialty course at Jundishapor University, Ahvaz. He finally finished his specialization course in 2006
Dr. Posatchi specializes in facial and nose surgery, he has completed different supplementary courses in this regard and has a specialized board for nose and facial plastic surgery. In addition, and he is very active in the field of research and is one of the top professors of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences.

His expertise is mostly in the operation of bony noses with a strong cartilaginous structure.
Of course, there are different types of bony noses, and we cannot say that he or any other doctor is the best surgeon for bony noses, but there is no doubt in his skill and expertise, and he is one of the most popular doctors among clients in shiraz .

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