IranHealthAgency offers expert insights into how age impacts fertility and what you can do to optimize your treatment outcome.
Patients who choose IVF in Iran benefit from advanced protocols tailored to different age groups. This personalized approach helps maximize success rates, ensuring that each patient receives care that aligns with their unique biological needs.

Reported by Assisted Reproductive Technology (SART) 2021 from under 35 to over 42 years of age (reference 1)

Age Live births per egg retrieval (all embryo transfers)
Under age 35 44.5%
Ages 35-37 32.4%
Ages 38-40 20.2%
Ages 41-42 9.6%
Over age 42 2.9%


In this blog of Iran Health Agency, we discussIVF success rate by age.” People who use IVF (in vitro fertilization), which stands for “assisted reproductive technology,” to start a family may be interested in how often the process works. The age of the mother is one of many factors that affect her chances of getting pregnant. Age can also affect a woman’s ability to get pregnant on her own and how well fertility medicine works.

Fertility rates tend to drop as people age, and the same is true for IVF success rates. This piece will discuss how age affects IVF success rates, why pregnancy success rates go down with age, and other factors that may affect clinical outcomes.

IVF success rate by age in 2024

IVF’s success relies on several things, including your age, your medical history, and the cause of your infertility (if you know it).

However, knowing that all doctors must follow the same rules when gathering and showing their data can be comforting. The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) controls IVF success rates in the UK. However, clinics outside the UK are not allowed to do the same. If you’re looking for IVF outside of the UK, look into the success rates in that country.

Also, you should know that fertility clinics can show you their success rates so you can see how well different fertility methods work at helping people get pregnant, but they can’t tell you exactly what your chance of getting pregnant is. To help patients make wise choices, the HFEA recommends that they look at the difference between the clinic’s success rates and the national average. If you are going through IVF, you must talk to your doctor.

IVF Success rate by age under 35

IVF success rates, 25 years old

The Society for Reproductive Technology (SART) says that 55.6% of IVF babies to women under 35 are live births. There are 41.4% live births after the first embryo transfer. About 47% of babies are born alive with a later cell transfer. Also, remember that these numbers are based on a woman using her eggs.

IVF success rates, age 28

Most women are at their most fertile at this age, meaning IVF has a better chance of working. As many as 60% of the time, it works.

If you are 28 years old and thinking about IVF, now is a great time to take advantage of what this technology has to offer. Women are usually most fertile at this age, which is helpful when starting IVF. This means that they have a better chance of success with IVF than people in older age groups. Research and numbers show that the success rate can be as high as 60% for women this age. That’s good news for people who want to have children through IVF! There is a window of time when your body is biologically ready to support conception. This is an excellent time to be hopeful about this road.

IVF success rate for 31-year-old

With an average success rate of 55%, IVF is still a good choice for people aged 31 and up.

It can be hard to become a parent, even if you are 31 years old. The success rate for in vitro fertilization (IVF) is still high, which gives many people who want to have children hope and joy. The average success rate for IVF in 31-year-olds is a heartening 55%. This statistic offers hope as over half of the treatments have the potential to result in a healthy pregnancy. This is good news for people their age who are thinking about IVF and want to start a family or add to their existing one. Remember that everyone’s situation is different, and talking to a fertility expert about your chances of success is essential. But overall, at the young age of 31, the outlook for IVF success is bright, showing how strong and possible the path to parenthood is.

chances of IVF success at 35

Women over 35 and up to 37 years old have about a 25% chance of getting pregnant after IVF. This is because you will have passed your best fertility window. After this point, your chances of getting pregnant start to go down.

If you’re over 35 and thinking about IVF, you might be curious about how likely it will work. Women over 35 and up to 37 years old have about a 25% chance of getting pregnant after IVF. There’s still a good chance you can have more children, even though you may be past your most fertile years. Remember that every woman’s journey to getting pregnant is different; this rate is just a general number. Your general health can change your chances, how you live, and any fertility problems you may have. Talking to a fertility expert can help you make the IVF process fit your needs, which could increase your chances of success. Even though fertility starts to decrease at this age, IVF helps a lot of women reach their goal of having a child. Stay hopeful and cheerful because the road to parenthood is ready for you.

IVF Success rate by age 38-40

IVF success rates over 40

Your chances of having success with IVF will go down even more after age 40. Between the ages of 40 and 42, your chances of success are about 11%. After age 45, they drop to 4%. Because of this, IVF isn’t usually suggested for women over 42 since it’s not possible that they’ll get pregnant.

There are risks involved with getting pregnant at an older age, which is another reason why women over 42 shouldn’t use IVF. Things like high blood pressure, birth problems, diabetes, miscarriages, and stillbirth are more likely to happen to older women. If you are over 40 and pregnant, you are considered to be at “high risk.” This is another reason why IVF is usually not suggested for people over 42.

IVF Success rate by age over 42

Risks of IVF after 40

As you get older, IVF treatment works less well. Also, as a woman gets older, her chance of miscarriage and congenital disabilities goes up. Age comes with more risks, and your doctor will discuss them with you and answer any questions you may have.

New mothers over 40 may have a higher-risk pregnancy due to age.

Older women have more first-trimester miscarriages than younger women. Ectopic pregnancy occurs when an egg lands outside the uterus. It can endanger the mother. It’s more common among older folks. Ectopic pregnancies are four to eight times more likely in women over 35.

Age increases the risk of long-term disorders like diabetes, obesity, and high blood pressure. These illnesses can increase the risk of pregnancy after 40.

Health hazards increase after 45. Nearly 37 million deliveries were examined in 2015. The study indicated that preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, postpartum hemorrhage, hysterectomy, and c-section births are most common among women aged 45–54.

IVF in Iran contact


Up to 15% of couples who are trying to get pregnant have trouble getting pregnant. Since IVF is very expensive and can have adverse effects on your body and mind, you might be wondering if it’s worth it to try. Talking to your doctor about your IVF situation is essential.

Many factors affect someone’s choice to undergo IVF, such as their mental health, religious beliefs, relationship status, family support, and finances. You are not a scientist if statistical odds can change your plans. Finally, your choice should be based on why you’re making it. You can contact our pros at the Iran Health Agency to get specific information.


1- Preliminary National Summary Report for 2021. Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology. Accessed 08/06/2023.

Smith ADAC, Tilling K, Nelson SM, Lawlor DA. Live-Birth Rate Associated With Repeat In Vitro Fertilization Treatment Cycles. JAMA. 2015;314(24):2654–2662.


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5- Smajdor A. The ethics of IVF over 40. Maturitas. 2011 May 1;69(1):37-40.

6- Toshimitsu M, Nagamatsu T, Nagasaka T, Iwasawa-Kawai Y, Komatsu A, Yamashita T, Osuga Y, Fujii T. Increased risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension and operative delivery after conception induced by in vitro fertilization/intracytoplasmic sperm injection in women aged 40 years and older. Fertility and sterility. 2014 Oct 1;102(4):1065-70.


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